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4 Votes

"My Lightning Raws!" Illumination's Guide to Razor - Lightning Revenant (6.81 !)

August 22, 2014 by Illumination0110
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Illumination0110 (2) | August 26, 2014 3:11am
Not that effective to get an early Eye of the Storm in level 6 in my opinion. I myself (and some of the pros) really love to prefer having both Static Link and Plasma Field maxed out for strong killing potential. I kinda feel like you can only get Eye of the Storm to its best potential is with upgraded from Aghanim's Scepter.
Refresher Orb is VERY HUGE for Razor, yes with double Agh's up Eye of the Storm you'll be dealing a ridiculous amount of damage. And as always, Razor is meant to be tanked up with armor/HP :) Thanks for commenting anyway
eeon (6) | August 25, 2014 12:21am
hi again! why did you skip your ulti until lvl 10? you should get it at 6, it has a low mana cost so I don t see why you would skip it. Did you modify the build because I didn t see it the first time?Good item modifcation: drum and mek are much better. Not so sure about refresher though, you should build tank items on Razor. nice job anyway
Illumination0110 (2) | March 24, 2014 3:55pm
RSpinoza wrote:

Why is Faceless Void on the slow hero list? His Time Walk with 700 range on lvl 1 can out 'blink' the link from razor which has a range of 600. So basically on lvl 1 faceless can, as long as he has the mana, break the link with time walk any time.

The mana pool of Faceless Void is not that great, mind you. Probably the best thing that you can zap out a bit of damage from him while inside Chronosphere, lol.
RSpinoza | March 24, 2014 8:38am
Why is Faceless Void on the slow hero list? His Time Walk with 700 range on lvl 1 can out 'blink' the link from razor which has a range of 600. So basically on lvl 1 faceless can, as long as he has the mana, break the link with time walk any time.
Illumination0110 (2) | March 1, 2014 4:08am
Zerak Kyria wrote:

thanks.. i think, and yes armlet is not that viable but it could be useful with escaping (armlet toggle) so you might want to add that in if you already haven't because it can be really useful. And just to add I haven't played Razor in a while so my play-style may not be the best but hey if this works for people then sure why not.

One thing to note that Unstable Current does help you in a crowded single-target focused lineup quite a bit, since it returns back some damages and also slow down the casters. I'm actually considering changing the skill build, still needs a bit more thoughts. Thanks again !
Zerak Kyria (8) | February 28, 2014 10:55pm

Interesting play-style of Razor from you, dude. The reason I included Mekansm is just from some pro players used to build it a lot for mid/offlane solo Razor. And the Armlet part as well, it's not that recommended anyway. Thanks for commenting !

thanks.. i think, and yes armlet is not that viable but it could be useful with escaping (armlet toggle) so you might want to add that in if you already haven't because it can be really useful. And just to add I haven't played Razor in a while so my play-style may not be the best but hey if this works for people then sure why not.
Illumination0110 (2) | February 28, 2014 10:29am
Zerak Kyria wrote:

Having played Razor as my first hero I have a couple of points that could be improved on in the item build and the skill build:

I would never build refresher on Razor due to it's large cost and the only bonus is two ults which you don't really need with the relatively short cooldown once the duration ends.

Another point is that Mekansm is not a great item on [{Razor]] because you could build a Yasha which is better imo.

Tranquil Boots, never get this on Razor because you should be right clicking creeps or hero's all the time.

Power Treads personally I prefer Phase Boots because as an agility hero you don't need the extra attack speed and as Razor I don't believe that you should be spamming Plasma Field as I only use it to kill those who run out of 'clicking' range so the bonus mana stats u could get are not so useful. Phase Boots are better imo because you can chase down a lot of hero's combined with Unstable Current

Armlett is not advisable on Razor because if you get stunned with it active, your screwd, also you don't need the bonus attack speed from it as I mentioned above. Also you don't get as much bonus damage as a strength hero.

My final point is that I like to get 2 points of Unstable Current before level 11 because of the extra speed. it's quite nice for chasing/running away.

please note that this is from experience and how I like to play Razor

Interesting play-style of Razor from you, dude. The reason I included Mekansm is just from some pro players used to build it a lot for mid/offlane solo Razor. And the Armlet part as well, it's not that recommended anyway. Thanks for commenting !
Illumination0110 (2) | February 28, 2014 10:26am
F.E.A.R.0 wrote:

I would say please remove Vanguard because the item it self is useless on Razor it's outdated but it only has some small effect. Also Tranquil Boots are no longer good for carry and durable, initiator heroes but only to support. Don't know about Armlet of Mordiggian but I don't think it's good on him. The rest is fine.

As you wish bro. I wroted this originally back in Sep'13. And things changed a lot up to now so yes, can't agree with you anymore
Illumination0110 (2) | February 28, 2014 10:24am
eeon wrote:

Nice, very well writen guide, I like the friends and foes section, very detailed. Good item explanation also. I personally prefer maxing Static Link first because al lvl7 224 damage is really goood, you should try it and see the enemy carry ask himself how did he die so fast and Plasma Field is not that spammable.
A few things if you will:

1. Tranquil Boots is kinda bad now after the nerf, because you will always have them broken
2. Vanguard is not all that great because you get only half damage block as Razor is ranged
3. Drum of Endurance is an excellent item as it gives you everything you need plus speed bonus, this way you can skip an ealry point in Unstable Current

And Eye of Skadi is not the most expensive item in the game:)

very good for a first guide, keep up the good work!

Thanks dude! I didn't notice that someone commented on the guide before I edited out that Eye of Skadi mistake lol.
Illumination0110 (2) | February 28, 2014 10:18am
Super Axe wrote:

Hi there, nice guide :) But it is a bit vague, you should give people a bit more of an idea because beginners reading this guide really wont really know what to get ie. give one choice of boots instead of 3 :) More of a pack of information than a guide so perhaps if you narrow it down a bit more, and be more specific you will be able to help people more in actual play :) Also try correct some of the grammatical and spelling errors and it should be a bit easier to read. If you get these things done, ill be more than happy to give it a +1 :) Goodjob on your first guide!

Man, I changed the guide and not even know that there's a guy commented already. This guide is a bit detailed that needs to be read quite clearly (I don't think beginners will appreciate this lol), that's my point of view when writing guides in Dota. Sometimes I read guides that's quite short and is just about one specific style of playing one hero, which is not enough for myself, in a dynamic game like Dota. Again, I really appreciate your comment :D
Zerak Kyria (8) | February 28, 2014 1:14am
Having played Razor as my first hero I have a couple of points that could be improved on in the item build and the skill build:

I would never build refresher on Razor due to it's large cost and the only bonus is two ults which you don't really need with the relatively short cooldown once the duration ends.

Another point is that Mekansm is not a great item on [{Razor]] because you could build a Yasha which is better imo.

Tranquil Boots, never get this on Razor because you should be right clicking creeps or hero's all the time.

Power Treads personally I prefer Phase Boots because as an agility hero you don't need the extra attack speed and as Razor I don't believe that you should be spamming Plasma Field as I only use it to kill those who run out of 'clicking' range so the bonus mana stats u could get are not so useful. Phase Boots are better imo because you can chase down a lot of hero's combined with Unstable Current

Armlett is not advisable on Razor because if you get stunned with it active, your screwd, also you don't need the bonus attack speed from it as I mentioned above. Also you don't get as much bonus damage as a strength hero.

My final point is that I like to get 2 points of Unstable Current before level 11 because of the extra speed. it's quite nice for chasing/running away.

please note that this is from experience and how I like to play Razor
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