1 | 3 | 5 | 7 |
2 | 8 | 10 | 13 |
4 | 9 | 12 | 14 |
6 | 11 | 16 |
15 | 17 | 18 |
Early Phase;
try this build.. if you go mid lane you are 1 step further.. not depending on Russian babysitting! play smart and safe.. let ur stifting dagger do the harassmend and last hit. once u get to lvl 6 try to crit with stifiting dagger but dont jump in like a rambo, wait, think, Compare ! Forcing ur Enemy to go 2 base is a good Achievement Aswell ! and u can gank easily due the advantage of ur lvl !
Prepare urself for the team Fight;
When ur Thread Boots mealstrom and Helm of Dominator are Finished.. Smoke and go rosh.. trust me Bro with lvl 4 blur hero lvl 12,13,14 is enough to kill that Beast ahahahahh ! dont share ur roshan exp with last hit thirsty bastards ! YOU ARE CARRY ! You Decide the Faith of game's Flow !
tell ur friends to team fight, and always stay behind dont be the 1. troll who jumps in !
you are not an initiater.. You are the Death Blow Out Of Nowhere ! You're an Assassin !
Kill time :
Finished Mjolnir and Basher
trust me every Fight u Face.. you will win ! they wont have time to think !
FF the Game :
your Only Protect Item Should Be satanic not even Blade mailed Legion Commander could Kill me !
their nukes wont kill you, you surely will have time to press Satanic and Rape the **** out of Them ! But If there is really to much Nukes and Dissables.. Go for it .. !
Phantom Assassin Is all about Speed.. becuz You are Damage its Self !
focus on your DPS = Damage (PER SECOND) << Speed is more Important <<
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