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8 Votes

"I'm Coming Friends" Guide to Super Mobility Rubick

May 20, 2014 by BKvoiceover
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SoloKings.Adrenaline | August 24, 2014 3:48pm
The Mobility is strong with this Rubick :D
porygon361 (46) | May 22, 2014 2:32am
Allegiance wrote:

The guide tells you to max out Fade Bolt over Telekinesis, which is the right call.
Only on level 1 the disable is better than the nuke (except maybe, if you are going on a 1v1 lane, which noone does anymore :D )

Yes, but the skill build in the guild states to take telekinesis again at level 3, which increases the stun duration by a meagre 0.25 seconds, and I would rather have an extra 70 damage from level 2 fade bolt.
BKvoiceover (12) | May 20, 2014 9:51am
Thanks everyone for your comments I will try to address a few of them.

mastadoom wrote:

I think you should add a part for what spells are good for rubick to steal, and in what situation.

That was my original intention, I will be sure to add that in once I get some spare time on my hands.

I like everything you listed but the Bloodstone, which is way too expensive and can't be compared to a quick Drum of Endurance or Ghost Scepter. The Bloodstone also doesn't offer many benefits, as a pair of Arcanes and a Wand are usually enough to keep your mana high and a Ghost Scepter is much more reliable for late game survivability.

Agreed, the Bloodstone build is a very old and outdated build but I thought I might include it simply because it isn't necessarily a terrible pickup when you have too much gold on your hand, but mobility items should be taking priority.

Krwiozerca wrote:

Why do you call Boots of Travel Map Boots?

Its just quicker and easier to say than Boots of Travel and plus people know what I'm talking about when I say map boots.
Xyrus (104) | May 20, 2014 5:57am

I would recommend suggesting minor Spells that are incredibly useful to steal, as as well as Ultimates, e.g. Shukuchi, Blink, Wraithfire Blast. You can get a lot of use out of these (and many more) low Cooldown Spells in a fight, especially since you've only got the 1 Stolen Spell for 16-20 seconds without Aghs.
Allegiance wrote:

Build is good, but nothing new.
Rubick was always built around mobility items in competetive dota.
Personally I also like an early urn of shadows on him, if no one else is getting one.
Straight Blink or Force is fine as well. (always get mana boots first as support rubick!)

Agreed, Urn of Shadows is awesome on him <}3

Blink Rubick best Rubick, 'nuff said: I like everything you listed but the Bloodstone, which is way too expensive and can't be compared to a quick Drum of Endurance or Ghost Scepter. The Bloodstone also doesn't offer many benefits, as a pair of Arcanes and a Wand are usually enough to keep your mana high and a Ghost Scepter is much more reliable for late game survivability.

About the Aghanim's Scepter, I like the fact that you don't overestimate the cooldown reduction you get from it: I think Agh's is still bad on Rubick, but he can benefit from it if there are at least two ultimates with a good Agh's upgrade (especially on Heroes that usually don't buy an Agh's) and you can afford one before the game ends, i.e. if you're in a pushing team and get quick gold from towers or if you had an ultra kill/rampage.

+ this ^
Allegiance (9) | May 20, 2014 5:27am
The guide tells you to max out Fade Bolt over Telekinesis, which is the right call.
Only on level 1 the disable is better than the nuke (except maybe, if you are going on a 1v1 lane, which noone does anymore :D )
porygon361 (46) | May 20, 2014 5:03am
Nice guide for one of my favourite heroes, but I prefer to skill Fade Bolt instead of Telekinesis for the extra damage because the increased damage has a bigger impact on ganks than the slightly longer duration from Telekinesis. (just my opinion though, I may be wrong)
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | May 20, 2014 4:42am
Blink Rubick best Rubick, 'nuff said: I like everything you listed but the Bloodstone, which is way too expensive and can't be compared to a quick Drum of Endurance or Ghost Scepter. The Bloodstone also doesn't offer many benefits, as a pair of Arcanes and a Wand are usually enough to keep your mana high and a Ghost Scepter is much more reliable for late game survivability.

About the Aghanim's Scepter, I like the fact that you don't overestimate the cooldown reduction you get from it: I think Agh's is still bad on Rubick, but he can benefit from it if there are at least two ultimates with a good Agh's upgrade (especially on Heroes that usually don't buy an Agh's) and you can afford one before the game ends, i.e. if you're in a pushing team and get quick gold from towers or if you had an ultra kill/rampage.
Allegiance (9) | May 20, 2014 12:38am
Build is good, but nothing new.
Rubick was always built around mobility items in competetive dota.
Personally I also like an early urn of shadows on him, if no one else is getting one.
Straight Blink or Force is fine as well. (always get mana boots first as support rubick!)
FleetAU (16) | May 19, 2014 11:55pm
I believe a little more explanation is required such as ability uses and what good spells are to steal (black hole, RP, Ravage etc.) Also still only 2 points in ult. Otherwise good guide +1
Timminatorr (57) | May 19, 2014 11:50pm
Krwiozerca wrote:

Why do you call Boots of Travel Map Boots? It it not a Nature's Prophet Teleportation ability. I would rather call them Travel Boots. Boots of Travel are only improved Town Portal Scroll, because you can move to friendly units (except heroes), but you can't teleport anywhere you want. If they would be Map Boots, they would be able to teleport you anywhere on the map.

Good luck :)

It might be a litteral translation from what language he speaks, or just a weird way of calling the item, a lot of people name items differently.
Krwiozerca (34) | May 19, 2014 11:25pm
Why do you call Boots of Travel Map Boots? It it not a Nature's Prophet Teleportation ability. I would rather call them Travel Boots. Boots of Travel are only improved Town Portal Scroll, because you can move to friendly units (except heroes), but you can't teleport anywhere you want. If they would be Map Boots, they would be able to teleport you anywhere on the map.

Good luck :)
mastadoom (7) | May 19, 2014 4:53pm
I think you should add a part for what spells are good for rubick to steal, and in what situation.
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