"Hard carry? I hardly cared." BoredomIsFun's Outworld Destroyer
February 17, 2012
Harbringer I believe is one of the best carries late game, simply due to his/her/(it?)'s
Arcane Orb, large burst damage as well it being Pure Damage. Though the high mana cost of
Arcane Orb is self-sustained thanks to Essence Aura. She has a nice 'disable/entangle' with
Astral Imprisonment and her ulti is what most Strength and Agility Hard carries fear.
Outworld Destroyer's Lore:
One of a lordly and magisterial race, Harbinger prowls the edge of the Void, sole surviving sentry of an outpost on the world at the rim of the abyss. From this jagged crystalline Outworld, forever on guard, he has gazed for eternities into the heavens, alert for any stirring in the bottomless night beyond the stars. Imprinted deep in the shining lattices of his intellect lies a resonant pattern akin to prophecy, a dark music implying that eventually some evil will wake out there, beyond the edges of creation, and turn its attention to our world. With his whole being focused on his vigil, Outworld Destroyer paid little attention to events closer in to the sun. But at last the clamor of the Ancients, and a sense of growing threat from within as well as without, sent him winging sunward to visit the plains of war. Harbinger's place in our own prophecies is unambiguous: he must be considered an omen of worse things to come. But his arrival in itself is bad enough.
This is not complete. "Why would you publish a guide that isn't complete?" See as OD (Outland Destroyer) is new (and thus popular) I'm sure many new players would like to know the skill build + item build. HOWEVER I do plan on finishing it tomorrow morning (currenly 1:26AK for me atm)
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