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18 Votes

"GG Meepo" - Blat your way to victory

December 16, 2012 by thejwj
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Junnyboi | April 22, 2013 8:23am
I would personally go for agh right after my tranquil boots because not only is it easy to farm the separate components of agh but they give much needed points in health and mana! Of course, this also means that my subsequent build is very different from yours as I'm less aura dependent and go for items with direct stat boosts like reaver :P I still get the vlad's for early roshing and mana regen boost though hahah
lukson987 (5) | January 12, 2013 9:25am
Nice guide. Boots of travel idea is good, but I'd recommend it before Reaver as it gives all lanes control power.
Also, if you add Blink dagger(which I think you should), you'll probably not have to max earthbind(level 2'd be enough).
And you could mention that meepo has 1800/1800 sight range(the highest),useful for ganking at night.
plus you can switch the main meepo(the one who casts spells first) by pressing Tab
(becouse many spend only primary meepos mana generally).
and you can cancel casting poof(any spell actually) by pressing "stop" or "hold position" keyif you see it's not doing damage to whom you want.
good guide though. +1
Wulfstan (77) | December 17, 2012 7:30am
andraxxus wrote:

how did u make the bulleted list in the Pro/con section?!?!?!

[ list ]
[*]whatever you want to type here
[ /list ]

With no spaces obviously.
andraxxus (6) | December 16, 2012 9:51am
how did u make the bulleted list in the Pro/con section?!?!?!
thejwj | December 16, 2012 1:46am
OneHalf wrote:

Blink + Shadowblade in Situational items? Sometimes I find my team has no initiation, luckily Meepo's pretty good at it with either Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade

I'll be discussing blink dagger and shadow blade soon. I'm updating this multiple times a day, so check back for new stuff. :)
OneHalf (10) | December 16, 2012 12:48am
Blink + Shadowblade in Situational items? Sometimes I find my team has no initiation, luckily Meepo's pretty good at it with either Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade
thejwj | December 15, 2012 5:37pm
andraxxus wrote:

u should add Drum of Endurance. i love ur ****TY DIGEST link built in :D:D:D
& just 4 consideration u should see my guide:

I've seen your guide, I think I possibly even learned from it when I first got into Meepo. :D

Drums could be a choice, might add it to the 'Possible item alternatives' section. However, Meepo might have spent the gold in better places because A. you're usually the fastest anyways with your tranquil boots and B. because you can net them to catch up and Geostrike will keep them slow.

It's not terrible because it's an AoE effect, but you should try letting one of your teammates get it instead.
thejwj | December 15, 2012 5:29pm
Nubtrain wrote:

So far so good, btw you can just copy+paste and message your friends account through PM

I've got multiple people watching me work on this guide from Facepunch, not just one friend. :)
andraxxus (6) | December 15, 2012 2:52pm
u should add Drum of Endurance. i love ur ****TY DIGEST link built in :D:D:D
& just 4 consideration u should see my guide:
Nubtrain (58) | December 15, 2012 11:55am
So far so good, btw you can just copy+paste and message your friends account through PM

Edit: You should unpublish it and then republish once you're done with it
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