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3 Votes

"Follow me into the forest shade, and none may spy on us." - Drow Ranger

June 28, 2013 by Eisbaer
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Rode Krijger (4) | July 4, 2013 12:42am
I'm actually waiting for you to use the feedback to your advantage and make some changes to the guide.

Precision Aura is more important than stats at level 2. You'll benefit from stats for a bit survivability, but since you are a carry, you should farm safely in safe lane and won't need it that much. Aura will give somewhat more damage to help you and all your ranged teammates with last hitting/denying. At level 6 this bonus goes up a lot, so you'll want one point in it before that.

I'm glad you don't stimulate buying Shadow Blade when your team already has invisible heroes, but I would suggest to go a bit further. Since it can be countered so easily by cheap items, investing in a 3K item seems a bit odd. When countered by Dust of Appearance you'll be effectively slowed by 10%, so it even works against you. You'd better get Yasha to build into Manta Style and/or Talisman of Evasion to build into Butterfly to increase survivability and escape options in a way that you really benefit from the items.

The first build you list is a mid build. I think you'd best make other choices. I quote from my own guide:

Although she can be played mid, I prefer playing Drow Ranger in safe lane. Personally I don't fancy her being mid, because the way I play Drow, she is not that mana dependent. Unless you have Frost Arrows on autocast (which you shouldn't) or keep casting Silence to annoy the enemy, you won't need the mana regen from Bottle and with lifesteal you don't need the hp regen either. But not going for those runes as mid, will give your opponent the edge. So unless you have a roaming ganker like Vengeful Spirit, Bounty Hunter and alike on your team who can buy a Bottle to use those runes, I wouldn't recommend going mid. If you go mid without those roamers in your team, get a bottle to make sure the enemy won't get those runes. And you'll benefit from it anyway. Just not as much as others would. So most of the time it's best to give mid to another hero on your team that benefits more from rune control with a bottle.

You are a carry, so you want farm. Best place to get relatively free farm is in safe lane with a support who can deny/harass/stack and pull to ensure the lane is yours to farm.

Then there is the point of Monkey King Bar, which you list as the last late game core item. Again I quote from my own guide

Because of your aura, you may want to focus on getting extra damage through agility (also boosting your attack speed, armor and bonus damage). Also, since you already want Daedalus, it loses effectiveness. You can't trigger both the mini stun from MKB and the critical strike from Daedalus, for as far as I know. So having both will decrease their separate effectiveness. It's highly situational, because you'll only need it against Phantom Assassin and Butterfly carriers. PA is such a hard counter to Drow since she can get up close, cancelling her ult. And since Drow is squishy, one crit can intakill her. Just don't pick Drow when the enemy team has a Phantom Assasin. Otherwise you probably won't even make it to MKB, since the game might be over before that. You can get Monkey King Bar against Butterfly carriers though. Just don't build it otherwise and spend your gold more wisely.

So although I don't think your choices are bad enough to justify a -1, I'd like to see your guide evolve to a higher level, because there are still a few choices here that won't help players who want to play Drow... Of course, you don't have to copy my own guide or agree to everything I say, but if you stick to your choices, you may want to explain them a bit more.
Rode Krijger (4) | June 28, 2013 7:06am
Guide is ok, but a bit minimalistic. I'd like some some more explaining of item choices and skill progression. Like the fact that Marksmanship is cancelled when enemy heroes come too close, so you should try to avoid that from happening.

The point where you name Skull Basher doesn't really make sense. It's not a great item on a ranged like Drow, nor is it an unique attack modifier. You seem to buy quite a few items just to sell them later on. That may be ok, but you might consider focussing a bit more on buying items that can be build into better ones.

Glad you don't stimulate buying Shadow Blade when your team already has invisible heroes.

Also personaly I like 1 point in Precision Aura early on. Might want to switch that with the stats you get at level 2.

Guide isn't good and complete enough to +1, nor is is bad enough to justify a -1. Keep working on it an try to explain yourself a bit more, I'd say...
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