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"Feel the Bite of Frost" a ranged Guide...[6.86c]

January 28, 2016 by aritra-death ranger
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Eon_Theory (2) | January 31, 2016 2:23pm
You should introduce a section where you discuss why you build certain items, and respond to a bit of advice in the comments in adding possible item choices. I'm pretty interested in the choices of vladimir's Offering, Moon Shard and Tranquil Boots in particulr. Also, Silence is called Gust now.
Blubbles (13) | January 29, 2016 5:04pm
Bunkansee wrote:

Do you think Mjollnir or Maelstrom is viable with the Aghanim's Sceptre upgrade? It gives you pretty insane pushing power and farming speed, also dishes out some decent damage in teamfights.

This is how it should be played. See I think the problem witht his build is that it doesnt utilze any on-hit effects even though it uses Agh's as core. See Aghs is so great because it bounces your attacks into TWO COMPLETELY NEW ATTACKS. So it's not like Split Shot or Moon Glaives. The bounces also have tyhe potential to proc things like Daedalus and Mjollnir. Its so good with Mjollnir because these procs do AOE. 20%*3 = 60%. 60% chance to deal (200*3=600-25%=)425 magic damage around your targets.
Tadeog | January 29, 2016 9:12am
Actually, Drow was never greedy in terms of items. With just a positioning item and a big damage one she can wreck lone enemies. Now, I consider her even a more situational pick with range teammates and teamfight prescence. The Agh's upgrade is great for fights were you can apply slows to everyone...
Lofy | January 29, 2016 8:45am
Build 2 Mjölnir and and aghs and then feel like darth sidious :D
Sp3ctr3 (4) | January 29, 2016 8:22am
Holy s....! I tried Mjollnir+Aghs and is just ridiculous, the amount of damage you can do with that combo. The splitted arrows can proc arc lightning so you can activate more than one at the same time, that really destroys the enemy team.
Bunkansee (32) | January 29, 2016 8:13am
Do you think Mjollnir or Maelstrom is viable with the Aghanim's Sceptre upgrade? It gives you pretty insane pushing power and farming speed, also dishes out some decent damage in teamfights.
JoJoBird | January 29, 2016 3:29am
At the very list you are missing a section on your itemization and the logic behind it. I'm especially interested why you'd consider Moon shard core, especially after Shadow blade as first "big" pickup. I'm not saying it's wrong as such as I didn't do the math, but it seems pretty inefficient to me, compared to say, Daedalus, which you don't use at all. You could argue you're going for stats over raw damage for team help, but surely then butterfly is better?

Also, have you considered HotD and later possibly satanic as a viable item? Also Vlads is great, but it seems more efficient to have that on someone else.
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