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11 Votes

"Bootylicious" - A guide to full DPS Kunkka! (Under Construction)

July 27, 2012 by Blitxxen
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witooZ (5) | October 28, 2012 2:15pm
I still disagree with the skill build, if you are going mid with the intention to gank, you should be able to land those Torrents. Besides that, you can always have an ally with a setup stun on the lane that you are ganking. By any means, training 2 levels of X marks the spot is slowing you down and is pretty much redundant.
Blitxxen (7) | July 12, 2012 2:34pm

Why take X Marks the Spot at 3,4 then straight at 24,25? I don't get it. With higher levels of Tidebringer, you have better lane control hence better farming and can get those DPS items quicker...?

I made an skill build section now, with a justification for it, lane control is more normal when you are laning , but as a mid soloer you want to gank early lvl 6 for gold you want.
xxblackxxrosexx | July 10, 2012 1:49am
Why take X Marks the Spot at 3,4 then straight at 24,25? I don't get it. With higher levels of Tidebringer, you have better lane control hence better farming and can get those DPS items quicker...?
WorkPants (7) | July 9, 2012 3:36pm
Blitxxen wrote:

I know that tidebringer is kunkka main skill, but I dont lane with him, when I pick it, asking for mid with kunkka is usual to me. The guide doesnt have this part yet, but the skill build in the begining is for mid.
The reason I dont take tidebringer and torrent to the max is because between lvl 1-6 (At mid) harrasing another char that is agility or intel in mid with lvl 1 tidebringer is pretty cake. I take the 2 points of x marks the spot for ganking, and making sure I do not fail. Leaving 2 points of it and never upgrade it again its good to me, stats work better with kunkka, giving him what we all need. Besides that, with those 2 points, you will never miss a torrent. The ganking combo should be torrent>Ghost ship>Tidebringer>x marks the spot. You have one kill in your pocket.

By laning I didn't mean exclusively dual or solo laning, maxing Tidebringer first is the best thing to do regardless.

Try it and get back to me, your harass/cs is much much better and you can land Torrent + Ghost Ship from the fog of war anyways if you must.
Blitxxen (7) | July 9, 2012 2:59pm
WorkPants wrote:

Your skill build isn't good, to be blunt. Tidebringer is Kunkka's main skill, as it runs his laning phase, scales very well with investment and defines his mid/late game potential as well. Leveling X Marks the Spot to Level 2 early isn't efficient at all, as a guaranteed Torrent combo isn't really all that impressive (roughly equivalent to Storm Bolt) and will drain all of your Mana anyways.

It's simply best to skill up with this priority (and not skip Level 3/4 of X Marks the Spot for the significant upgrade in range): Ghost Ship > Tidebringer > Torrent > X Marks the Spot > Stats.

Item build is mostly fine, I can't generally recommend Pipe of Insight or Linken's Sphere though. Urn of Shadows is probably better than Bracer + Drum of Endurance as well, since you'll save over 1000g that can be put to better use on more efficient damage items or Vanguard.

I know that tidebringer is kunkka main skill, but I dont lane with him, when I pick it, asking for mid with kunkka is usual to me. The guide doesnt have this part yet, but the skill build in the begining is for mid.
The reason I dont take tidebringer and torrent to the max is because between lvl 1-6 (At mid) harrasing another char that is agility or intel in mid with lvl 1 tidebringer is pretty cake. I take the 2 points of x marks the spot for ganking, and making sure I do not fail. Leaving 2 points of it and never upgrade it again its good to me, stats work better with kunkka, giving him what we all need. Besides that, with those 2 points, you will never miss a torrent. The ganking combo should be torrent>Ghost ship>Tidebringer>x marks the spot. You have one kill in your pocket.
WorkPants (7) | July 9, 2012 1:06pm
Blitxxen wrote:

I would love seeing some advises and suggestions before going on with the guide. Nobody likes some "anonymous" people thumbs down for nothing.

Your skill build isn't good, to be blunt. Tidebringer is Kunkka's main skill, as it runs his laning phase, scales very well with investment and defines his mid/late game potential as well. Leveling X Marks the Spot to Level 2 early isn't efficient at all, as a guaranteed Torrent combo isn't really all that impressive (roughly equivalent to Storm Bolt) and will drain all of your Mana anyways.

It's simply best to skill up with this priority (and not skip Level 3/4 of X Marks the Spot for the significant upgrade in range): Ghost Ship > Tidebringer > Torrent > X Marks the Spot > Stats.

Item build is mostly fine, I can't generally recommend Pipe of Insight or Linken's Sphere though. Urn of Shadows is probably better than Bracer + Drum of Endurance as well, since you'll save over 1000g that can be put to better use on more efficient damage items or Vanguard.
Blitxxen (7) | July 9, 2012 12:12pm
I would love seeing some advises and suggestions before going on with the guide. Nobody likes some "anonymous" people thumbs down for nothing.
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