Quick Skill and Item Guide to Play Witch Doctor Correctly.
May 10, 2013
Hello everyone! Welcome to my first ever guide to playing Witch Doctor Full Support. As this is my first guide, please give me constructive critism about the guide, and be free to judge it.
Witch Doctor is an intelligence support who has a poison, stun, heal and one of the best ultimates in the game. If you play Witch Doctor correctly, you can easily help your team to win, and have fun playing a support.
In this guide I will be using general DotA related words such as gank, AoE, and initiate.
Skills Explanied
Casket is a good multiple stun that can be used to set up initiations or escape. The stun deals damage andbounces around nearby enemy targets. You will want to max this out first, in combination with Maledict, because it is good for harassing, (a nice 14 second cooldown), and dealing damage over time.
Maledict is the skill you want to max out after Casket, this is a poisonous damage over time spell that deals massive damage. This skill 'curses' units in a very small AoE area, so it may be hard to catch fleeing enemies. WRONG! If you use your casket, stun multiple heroes, then Maledict is great for finishing off fleeing enemies. You want to max this second because of the more damage output.
Voodoo, is a restoriation spell that drains Witch Doctors mana, but heals in an AoE around this. This ability is a toggle ability so you can turn it on and off. You need to max this last as early game it wastes your mana and doesnt heal as much as an urn.
Death Ward is a chanelled Ultimate that send flares at every hero near you. DAMAGE.
Items Explained
Starting Items
You want an iron branch, for extra attributes, 2 gauntlets for some strength a set of tangos for regen and either wards or an animal courier.
Ealry Game
In the early game you should complete your gauntlets and make an urn of shadows for great heals and ganks. You should upgrade courier if possible, carry a TP scroll, and keep purchasing wards. Every hero should buy boots.
Mid Game
Mid game you want to finish your boots and turn them into arcanes. Thus provides great mana for you and your team. You'll also want to carry a force staff on you, to help you or your allies,and create a shadow blade. Use your ulti, and then shadow blade, and it cannot be cancelled, unless there is an AoE stun.
Late Game
Aghanims Scepter. Ultimate: MORE DAMAGE, MORE FLARES.
With free item slots, you should be buying a support item. Scythe of Vyse enables you to help turn eneimies into critters in team fights. Whilst a shivas guard gives a icy slow. The Orchid enables you to have a silence and great mana regeneration and intelligence.
But if you're looking to go offensivley, and youre team and playing well, buy a dagon for a damageing energy burst for kills and great intelligence.
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