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6 Votes

Queen of Pain a quick guide to Ganking Lone heroes

July 17, 2012 by wilddeonpwn
Comments: 3    |    Views: 14599    |   

Queen of Pain

DotA2 Hero: Queen of Pain

Hero Skills

Bondage (Innate)

Shadow Strike

4 12 13 14


1 5 7 9

Scream of Pain

2 3 8 10

Sonic Wave

6 11 16


15 17 18

Queen of Pain a quick guide to Ganking Lone heroes

July 17, 2012


At level 4, assuming that you have followed my build, wait for your enemy hero to come back to your tower or going to check for Runes. Wait for the right moment and blink into him/her and use Scream of Pain . Always do that first. Now I'll run you through different scenarios that could happen and tell you what to do.

The enemy hero retreats: Chase after him! Use your blink whenever you can but try to not go to close to the heroes tower, because he might counter attack at any time (watch out for heroes with stuns.)

IF the enemy hero is on so low health but in the towers range and you do not want to go there:
Use your Shadow Strike . The higher the level the better, but at level 1 it might do. It does damage over time and hope that he doesn't have a magic wand or anything that can counter it.
It will usually pick him off easily.

If you attack when he's going for a Rune and he runs down the river, let your teammates know he is there and tell them to go that way. They should help out and the hero will die...

Pick them off when they are least expecting it, that way they will take slower to figure out what's happening and will retreat slower, almost guaranteeing your kill.

Remember to always use the blink and Scream of Pain combo and have a happy Ganking!


If you have any protests or you feel this guide is bad, it is what I think is best for Ganking and you do not have to follow it.
Peace ;)

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