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Quas, Exort And Scraps of Armor

August 13, 2012 by Zephilum1372
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Zephilum1372 | September 27, 2012 6:03am
No, this does not include a force staff, HOWEVER upon picking up the game again I find the force staff to be very useful and didnt allow it to shine properly in this guide, however i do strongly recommend getting force staff BUT it really depends on the type of game you would like to play, sometimes it seems more beneficial to get a scepter before a force staff, but if utilized properly I dont see why somebody wouldnt get it every game, I for one am still learning the ropes on the force staff combos myself , the 25 minute mark was a bench mark for your Aghanims scepter, Boots and drums, it was there as a self reminder and to see if your farming was up to snuff with being able to properly utilize the guide. Hope I Helped :D
Ahgulligugu | September 10, 2012 9:01am
Very nice guide, even though I'm playing Invoker almost the same as this guide suggests, I really enjoyed reading it! I just got that one question. When you say that someone should have their Aghanims ready at the 25 minute mark, does that include a force staff for you? I'm a very big fan of this item, which means I get it right after boots (or bottle and Magic Wand).

Zephilum1372 | August 15, 2012 10:55am
Tiny Update : Updated colors for important, unmissable facts about game mechanics and colors to names of spells and items.
Zephilum1372 | August 15, 2012 10:50am
quas wex build is more of a disabler
quas exort build is more of a summoner
exort wex build is more of the carry/ganker/nuker

Yes yes, this is why at the very beginning of the guide i do say to learn and master the use of ALL invoker spells, this is a summoning type build, this is also why there are no stat enhancing items till luxury items are involved.
TinySmahed (2) | August 15, 2012 6:25am

see i love wex exort invoker but cant find the best items anywhere, i've tried quas wex which is more like a support and now i tried this which was pretty good and kinda made me more aggressive although i find it that im very dependent on the aghanim and EEQ combo to get me going while with other builds it wasnt like this, and i find force staff kinda not useful (at least to me) as i'm more of a ghost walker :P

quas wex build is more of a disabler
quas exort build is more of a summoner
exort wex build is more of the carry/ganker/nuker
TheDarkNocturne | August 14, 2012 2:37pm
see i love wex exort invoker but cant find the best items anywhere, i've tried quas wex which is more like a support and now i tried this which was pretty good and kinda made me more aggressive although i find it that im very dependent on the aghanim and EEQ combo to get me going while with other builds it wasnt like this, and i find force staff kinda not useful (at least to me) as i'm more of a ghost walker :P
Zephilum1372 | August 14, 2012 10:23am
i had just written the guide yesterday i will update the guide over the course of a week or so, currently in school and studies limit my time.
Hades4u (296) | August 14, 2012 4:20am
Pretty nice guide, but adding colors and images to your guide would make it better and easier to read.
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