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6 Votes

Q, W, Right click - Mortred guide

August 2, 2012 by linkin
Comments: 4    |    Views: 17321    |   

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linkin | August 2, 2012 9:35am
Great F8 wrote:

The real reason you need a level of Blur is because skipping +20% Evasion for +2 Stats or -3s cd on Phantom Strike is an absurd notion. Together with Poor Man's Shield, Blur dramatically mitigates the amount of ranged harass you will be receiving in lane.

I have not tried Orb of Venom on Phantom Assassin yet but will get around to it eventually and return with my thoughts. Keep in mind that Helm of the Dominator is generally superior to Vladmir's Offering on Phantom Assassin and that by going Orb of Venom you lose out on the opportunity to use Helm of the Dominator and Satanic.

hey, Phantom Strike is core to mortred, and being able to use it every 5 second is great for entering a fight/dealing repetitive damage/escaping a fight.
Great F8 (3) | August 2, 2012 7:57am
jaslam wrote:

you need blur at level 1 at least - the reason being, is you can farm a lane later mid game with a team realising you're there immediately. because when blur is active (ie another enemy hero is nearby) you do not appear on the minimap (your hero icon). most good players use their minimap to initate ganks, clashes and follow slippery heroes like mort who can disappear quickly.

The real reason you need a level of Blur is because skipping +20% Evasion for +2 Stats or -3s cd on Phantom Strike is an absurd notion. Together with Poor Man's Shield, Blur dramatically mitigates the amount of ranged harass you will be receiving in lane.

I have not tried Orb of Venom on Phantom Assassin yet but will get around to it eventually and return with my thoughts. Keep in mind that Helm of the Dominator is generally superior to Vladmir's Offering on Phantom Assassin and that by going Orb of Venom you lose out on the opportunity to use Helm of the Dominator and Satanic.
jaslam (21) | August 2, 2012 3:39am
you need blur at level 1 at least - the reason being, is you can farm a lane later mid game with a team realising you're there immediately. because when blur is active (ie another enemy hero is nearby) you do not appear on the minimap (your hero icon). most good players use their minimap to initate ganks, clashes and follow slippery heroes like mort who can disappear quickly.
Hades4u (296) | August 2, 2012 3:23am
Pretty good guide, good job man.

But why Vladmir's Offering instead of Helm of the Dominator?

Also, I gave you a positive +1 vote :)
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