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Pusher/Carry guide for Newbie Morphling

January 9, 2016 by Komet
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Pusher\Carry for Newbies

DotA2 Hero: Morphling

Hero Skills

Accumulation (Innate)


2 4 8 10

Adaptive Strike (Agility)

1 3 7 9

Adaptive Strike (Strength)

1 3 7 9

Attribute Shift (Agility)

5 11 12 14

Attribute Shift (Strength)

5 11 12 14


6 13 16


15 17 18

Pusher/Carry guide for Newbie Morphling

January 9, 2016

Early game and Spawn

You buy those items that I to!d you, tango, faerie fire, 2 clarities, circlet and slippers.
You are a pretty hard carry so if you go mid, take 1st skill priority for escaping.
But if you have a better mider go on top or bot.
At the fifth level you get morph, get at least 1k of health and don't touch it more. If there is a tank is your team, you can get a high agility.
Don't take until you have morph. Then here is the trick, you stun the guy then hit it, if he's running away waveform will kill it if most of ganks.
Buy Aquila, you have almost everything for it then Power Treads.
Don't forget to buy wards.

Middle Game

Now buy Yasha then Perseverance. Then make Manta before Linken.
When you have Linken the morph skill become very interesting. You can be a tank with 3,5k HP or a nuker with 250/300 attack. Choose.
You are really strong with those items, but now you need to push.
For pushing clone you're mate and use Manta, here are 3 illusions + 2 heroes.
The clone can be really useful for initiate. Send the morph on enemies, they will use they skills and waste their cooldowns.
Then go gank them with you're mates.


You seems pretty invinsible with those items.
Buy Etheral/Butterfly, you will be OP, since you agility grows, use strength morph to get more HP.
Then buy Dragon Lance/Aghanim. Dragon Lance can be useful since waveform and auto attack don't have a great range.
With Aghanim playing can be really fun, the illusion can now use all skills (but not ultimate). It's a bit like Arc Warden without items.
OK so now you just win :)

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