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Push and Midgame Aggression with Troll Warlord

August 1, 2013 by Searqq
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ljl87 | December 23, 2015 7:52am
STARING ITEMS Ring of Protection OVER Cirlet. HOTD over BKB a must. Sange and Yasha over Butterfly and Manta cos the maim synergizes with fervor and battle trance. Most players might get MKB cos his active second skill which gives him "evasion" that decreases incoming left click damage by half. Sange gives that missing health that troll needs.
Ancient Hero (17) | August 6, 2013 1:14pm
Getting HOTD before BKB is the way to go since his HP pool is too small for bkb, he needs the lifesteal to stay alive. With BKB on, you can still get killed by phyisical damage and even with a slow. Plus the sustainability is nice in lane or just small skirmishes. An early bkb means in mid-late game, you have less charges.
Searqq | August 6, 2013 1:03pm
@Wulfstan, I mention HOTD as an option before BKB if the game is more passive. However, BKB is much more useful if you fight and can outright win you the game in some cases, solo Rosh or not. I will mention Roshing early with HOTD though.
@GamesForGods, Drums is too good, and it's pretty much the reason I wrote this guide, because typical pub players don't build it. You can sustain perfectly fine without HOTD if you alternate farming lanes and jungle instead of afk farming jungle. And no, Crystalis early is not that good of an early damage item, especially when you can't crit towers.
GamesForGods (1) | August 2, 2013 2:37pm
Get early hotd for sutain and rosh and flashfarming. Remove drums
And get a crystalis for example for early dmg so you can use your ult well. Also very short guide. Not muxh content...
Wulfstan (77) | August 2, 2013 5:50am
Get the Hotd before BKB.You can solo roshan with it if you get an ogre magi so he can frost armor you.Then from the solo roshan gold you can start the bkb off.
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