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63 Votes

Pugna In Depth Strategy Guide

April 12, 2012 by Pugnasaur
Comments: 35    |    Views: 567528    |   

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Forb335y | March 20, 2015 7:55am
Great guide, just needs updating, all the way to 6.83
Nubtrain (58) | September 14, 2014 12:15am
cgwilsonh wrote:

I have a question about being support/pusher Pugna.
During mid game engagement, who do I best decrepify? Or should I not use decrepify at all? I always get blamed for decrepifying + life draining the enemy's carry.

Depends on how you communicate, situation and team composition. This example should really be communicated with your team; if you want to blow someone up, decrypify a target then follow up with all the spell damage however if your team lack nukes then avoid using it. Save it and use it on allies or yourself when being physically pounded upon. Use decrepify on another target, preferably another auto-attacker and prevent them from attacking for the duration.

You can use it to catch up to someone if your allies are a bit too far away or use it on yourself then tp away from physical harm especially when stuns have been used. Depends on the situation but unless you're trying to burst someone down, you want to save it.
cgwilsonh | September 13, 2014 11:10pm
I have a question about being support/pusher Pugna.
During mid game engagement, who do I best decrepify? Or should I not use decrepify at all? I always get blamed for decrepifying + life draining the enemy's carry.
Tannerman46 | August 13, 2014 1:56am
Great guide! Played a game then and dominated. Played a great support/pusher role, and after getting mek, phase boots and force staff, I decided to go for scepter. I completely dominated with that! Even when we pushed into their base, I was able to kill anyone in the fount just by spamming my ult haha. Poor sportsmanship, but great fun!
Ghatat | March 4, 2014 12:23pm
i can't master this hero without this great [*]Pugna guide.
i got 14/1/12 with this guide

Thanks, this guide very usefull for me
Buntarg | July 29, 2013 3:45pm
OMG....This guide is awesome! Previously played Pugna just 5 times.....lost every match! After reading this guide I have won two, the second of which I got 10-5-25! Loved watching Storm Spirit trying to use his escape when near my ward, never ended well for him ;)
+1 from me!
TeTSee | July 4, 2013 9:48am
i dont think phase is a very good choice, 315 base MS is very good, and you have really high damage from your int gain anyway, so it seems like a waste to me. treads offers good stats and attack speed, which is good because now you can make more use of your high damage.

Dont get me wrong though, this guide is super well done, +1 from me!
Jcam0102 (1) | June 21, 2013 6:43pm
porygon361 wrote:

I think you forgot Nyx Assassin in the counters. ANY hero with high intelligence gets slaughtered by Nyx.

Any hero alone and not one of the 1 on 1 heroes gets slaughtered by Nyx. :p (assuming they are at least competent)

Awesome guide. Your carry build is what I do as Pugna. My question is do you have any tips on placing the ward?
porygon361 (46) | April 12, 2013 9:57pm
I think you forgot Nyx Assassin in the counters. ANY hero with high intelligence gets slaughtered by Nyx.
slashOD | March 24, 2013 5:49pm
Great guide. Helped me get to the point where Pugna is fun
Underseer | March 13, 2013 3:57pm
I have a question regarding Heroes he's good against (Mainly because of Nether Ward).

How would you rate Pugna against Meepo? I recently played a game where the enemy had Meepo, so to counter him, I tried to think of someone with a nasty AoE burst/spam. Pugna was my first thought. I then began thinking: Meepo uses his spells pretty often, and even though they don't cost a whole lot of mana, his health pool is relatively small, and there doesn't seem to be a cooldown between Nether Ward procs (Is that the term you'd use? The enemy procs Nether Ward with a spell?).

We did very well in the game, and Meepo was destroyed (It wasn't a very good Meepo in the first place, but that's beside the point).

I just want to know if Pugna would be a good pick against him in higher level gameplay?

Also, a question about Nether Ward. Does it have any effect on Toggle spells, such as Silencer's Glaive of Wisdom or Enchantress' Impetus?

P.S. Very impressive guide. It goes into a great deal of detail, highlighting his various pros and cons. I also love the idea of ward blocking. Hope I get into a situation where I can actually try that out.
Affluenza | January 18, 2013 4:49am
Wow this guide has really helped me with my Pugna!

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