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Joking aside though, this is honestly pretty boring to look at. Colored text, underlining, etc. would all be nice.
I clicked this guide to know what a pug match is.
I think you meant pub.
If you haven't mention that, for sure I would have been irritated.
In ganking, there's a specific time when to gank.
e.g. About to gank a solo hero while everyone's alivebutyou don't know where they are?
-Better let everyone play safe.
Is that hero farmed?
-GTFO,] unless you can burst him down quick
I think you meant pub.
If you haven't mention that, for sure I would have been irritated.
In ganking, there's a specific time when to gank.
e.g. About to gank a solo hero while everyone's alivebutyou don't know where they are?
-Better let everyone play safe.
Is that hero farmed?
-GTFO,] unless you can burst him down quick
this "able to kill you line" is very important, because of there are 4 heroes in a lane early in the game, your job should not be to go and help your dual lane that is getting trashed by 4 heroes. No matter how much those heroes believe wholeheartedly that they are dying because of you. with 4 heroes in 1 lane, they should back up behind the tower and wait. No matter how much they arent getting, you have 3 other heroes getting free experience and farm.
And the reason I bring this up is because, later in the game... if they commit 5 heroes to a tower, you can commit 4 heroes to defend it and 1 hero to take towers if you have a good split pusher hero. If you know where the heroes are, all of them being up should not hinder your ability to split push. If you know that the heroes that are missing are something like warlock, that should not make you afraid to splitpush.
Ganking: I would like you to add something to the ganking section if you agree with me. Ganking is NOT the job of the solo mid hero simply by virtue of being a solo mid hero. Some solo mids will stay in lane for a majority of their time, getting 1v1 farm and experience, until the enemy tower falls and the farm/exp isn't safe anymore.
Other solo mids must gank to function, like
In most cases, the job of ganking is the supports role, and usually they will gank mid vs hard farm heroes that are put there. The reason