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6 Votes

pudge guide

October 30, 2014 by SomeGuides
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SomeGuides | November 1, 2014 8:45am
guys this guide its kinda suck ik iil get new guide for faceless later its taking me a lot of time im doing a lot of work!!!
Unscathed (47) | October 31, 2014 7:13pm
Hamstertamer wrote:

Have a guess.

And then +rep that f**ing flamer becaus that's your way of making the community a better place. cyka :)

Not sure what that mean either
MrLocket (16) | October 31, 2014 9:40am
Just my friendly advices. Before writing a guide, you have to play at least 1000+ game with that hero and make sure that you have sufficient skills with it to face any situations may occurs, including enemy team counter your every moves, and what should you do next, all these are earned from experiences in game.

Writing a guide isn't something like "hey, this is how I play, is it cool? please tell me thanks", you have to take the actual responsibility to guide every viewers, if they have doubts, you have to explain to them so they will understand. If you guided them wrongly, you will make them doing something wrongly and feeling very confused. They will think :
"Isn't that I have followed the guide? How come I feed enemy team so badly and my team mate blame me for throwing game?

To prevent such thing happens, you will have to write something more tactically advanced, like : Dismember enemy hero with Black King Bar will not deal damage to them but they will still be disabled for 3 seconds; If enemy hero have Linken's Sphere off cooldown and targeted by Dismember, they will block the Dismember completely.
srawesomeguy | October 30, 2014 4:17pm
Just.... wow. First guide of its kind XD. Good effort though. I mean... PUDDGEEEE
SomeGuides | October 30, 2014 9:41am
and man stop with this annyoing comments just say the guide SUCK not that you LOLED on it!
SomeGuides | October 30, 2014 9:40am
ok man i got it as advice thank you

its just my 2nd gide in here and im preety sure my next guide will be good but still i dotn get it
you tell me to write new stuff in the guide but what i can write for idk ummm..
pa to make the guys who read it learn new stuff

just tell me :D
MrLocket (16) | October 30, 2014 9:15am
SomeGuides wrote:

what you mean thing the ppl already know i cant know what they know andwhat they done know...

Best quote of the day, can I +rep for that? Seriously I lol'd on that!
MeatWaad (1) | October 30, 2014 9:04am
OMG so much ponies&rainbow thoughts.

Your guide is pretty basic and subjective, showing your emotion such as: but its up to the enemy hp! and pudge got 10000000000000 HP so life can kill him with no problem!
Please stop these kind of explanations or emotion shared, Idk if you're trolling or serious.

-1 from me

Look forward to more of 'em. +1 for teh lels Hilarious
SomeGuides | October 30, 2014 7:18am
lol ok man thank you very much iil make a new guide abut my favorit hero but iil do some research

Moodkill (9) | October 30, 2014 7:11am
SomeGuides wrote:

so it was suck -_-
why you sayd you like it man...
what you mean thing the ppl already know i cant know what they know andwhat they done know...
so i need to say every thing and what you was add to this guide?

Yeah it "sucked" not trying to be rude but it needs to be more "complete". You need to explain things in a more detailed manner for example:

Pudge is a good hero because he can gank, when you hit level 6 you have to gank LOTS.
Pudge is a good ganking hero before or after he hits lvl 6, items like Smoke of Deceit will help you in your ganks in case the enemy has river wards. Occasionally you will find runes like invisibility that will help you gank easier. Pudge does have mana issues which is why a Bottle is recommended.

The one at the bottom will of course be more informative to newer players.

PS. Sorry if I offended you in any way, but really it was quite fun to read.
SomeGuides | October 30, 2014 7:04am
so it was suck -_-
why you sayd you like it man...
what you mean thing the ppl already know i cant know what they know andwhat they done know...
so i need to say every thing and what you was add to this guide?
Moodkill (9) | October 30, 2014 6:58am
SomeGuides wrote:

ok guys idk what your saying just tell me what wrong in here... -_-
iil fix it but its fine!

1) Your formatting isn't really tidy/neat/eye pleasing
2) You need more explanations for item builds and skill builds, not just blink dagger, urn and bottle. Don't tell people what they already know.
3) Your grammar and punctuation isn't good.

Well on the bright side, you are hardworking and your passion alone in helping others play Dota better is great. I mean writing 2 guides in 1 night? That's dope ( even thought it's rushed and umm... you know "incomplete" )
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