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18 Votes

Pudge: Fear The Hook.

November 1, 2012 by tdL.dalkS
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wangyuphing (9) | January 29, 2015 2:12am

Bloodstone OP on pudge especially if you build it early.
what that essentially does is that as you get flesh heap stacks, you get mana stacks as well.
So if you get 20 kills after bloodstone. you have 28 charges on bloodstone, i wonder who doesnt like instant respawn on pudge?

Secondly you are a tanker but not the fore front kind in late game. This item solves it. typically, you would stay clear and get potshot hooks at enemy but now you stand in and dismember anyone while holding bloodstone. Also, you might die last in the older type of play but with bloodstone you may die faster. Dont get me wrong, but once you die and respawn instantly, you heal your team for 1600 health where you died. Thats a lot in late game.
sweet mana to spam hooks? yea you get it man.

In my case i go soul booster first after disassembling my arcane boots. You either rush bloodstone or dont take it at all.

But you have to get it early rite? Isnt spending gold on Blink Dagger better than saving it for Bloodstone?

I get it that Bloodstone is good, but it kinda put a pause on Pudge's main mobility item, which is either Blink Dagger and Force Staff.

And I think it won't work in ranked... dunno why just got that feeling..
Kyphoid returns (42) | January 29, 2015 1:52am
Bloodstone OP on pudge especially if you build it early.
what that essentially does is that as you get flesh heap stacks, you get mana stacks as well.
So if you get 20 kills after bloodstone. you have 28 charges on bloodstone, i wonder who doesnt like instant respawn on pudge?

Secondly you are a tanker but not the fore front kind in late game. This item solves it. typically, you would stay clear and get potshot hooks at enemy but now you stand in and dismember anyone while holding bloodstone. Also, you might die last in the older type of play but with bloodstone you may die faster. Dont get me wrong, but once you die and respawn instantly, you heal your team for 1600 health where you died. Thats a lot in late game.
sweet mana to spam hooks? yea you get it man.

In my case i go soul booster first after disassembling my arcane boots. You either rush bloodstone or dont take it at all.
wangyuphing (9) | January 29, 2015 1:34am
royDaipayan wrote:

I think it is best to buy blink as soon as possible. then:

blink ---> dismember+rot ---> hook(if enemy is still alive and trying to run).

also instead of hood of defiance, you could go for bloodstone.
Increases hp and mana pool by a huge amount and gives awesome regeneration(both mana and hp).

Rot drains your HP worse than Bloodstone's regen. Never build it on Pudge. Instead, Hood of Defiance blocks some of the dmg and providing regen, which can be upgraded to Pipe of Insight for teamfights

Bloodstone is mehhh
royDaipayan | January 29, 2015 12:58am
I think it is best to buy blink as soon as possible. then:

blink ---> dismember+rot ---> hook(if enemy is still alive and trying to run).

also instead of hood of defiance, you could go for bloodstone.
Increases hp and mana pool by a huge amount and gives awesome regeneration(both mana and hp).
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | November 17, 2012 12:27pm
Nice guide, the formatting is good-looking: it's the default cookie-cutter build that has always worked. You might want to add the Urn of Shadows between the early-mid game items and a Force Staff as a situational, though.

Also, you should remember that Flesh Heap is retroactive: if you haven't skilled it, it gains charges anyway that will be activated while levelling it for the first time.

+1, keep up the good work! I hope my suggestions helped you.
tdL.dalkS (1) | November 8, 2012 11:35pm
BE4ST wrote:

Great guide it looks very good and when I tried out the Pubstomper build for the first time
my score was 12-0 but... in early game I had some problems bcuz of just having a bottle...but still I got first blood >:D

Thank you for using this guide kind sir, I appreciate the feedback! I'll put a detailed section on how to efficiently use the Pubstomper build as soon as I can! Once again, thank you.
BE4ST (1) | November 6, 2012 4:34am
Great guide it looks very good and when I tried out the Pubstomper build for the first time
my score was 12-0 but... in early game I had some problems bcuz of just having a bottle...but still I got first blood >:D
tdL.dalkS (1) | November 1, 2012 5:38am
Sorry for being inactive for quite some time, been busy finishing off some last exams so I can graduate. I'll start adding some more information as soon as I'm free. + Diretide is ****ing addicting.
RafeRogue | October 26, 2012 6:10am
1+ from me
cuz I love the format I really hope you can complete this guide
OneHalf (10) | October 25, 2012 9:40pm
Pretty colors <3
Glayde (13) | October 25, 2012 6:43pm
I really like the formatting, well done!

One thing:

The starting build is kinda weird, personally I would go for 1 tango, 1 salve, and some gg branches for the early bottle. But still, great job, +1. :)
tdL.dalkS (1) | October 21, 2012 11:31pm
wilddeonpwn wrote:

Great guide, I love it. Finish it soon! I'll sure give you a +1 when your done with it

Thank you kind sir. I'll try my best to finish it soon!
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