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Puck! Puck needs buff or more nerfs? 7.05 how to play

April 28, 2017 by DioX
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Narcoleptic Dragon | May 26, 2017 9:02pm
I used to come to this sight to observe the meta, learn techniques for heroes I was trying to learn, and tricks for heroes I was trying to master... Recently I get on DotaFire for these ridiculous guides and the hilarious (in a depressing kind of way) comment section.

But seriously, can we not get rid of this guy?
knight96-1994 (2) | May 2, 2017 2:24am
This guide irritates me on so many levels I have to go step by step:

1) First and foremost, the english is awful. English ain't my first language but if I post something long and complex like a guide I HAVE to spend enough time correcting misspellings and what-not.
2) In the roles section you actually thought of writing "SAFELANE/offlane". Safe Lane Puck? Seriously? At this point having a roaming Puck would make more sense rather than sending him in the safe lane.
3) No, carry Puck doesn't exist in this universe, whatever you say. Getting a Bloodthorn doesn't make you a carry as much as getting a Scythe of Vyse on Ursa doesn't make him a support. Puck's damage scales decently but his extreme squishyness will NEVER allow him to be a carry unless he gets a huge amount of gold which allows him to go for a very pub-only build consisting of Heart of Tarrasque, Black King Bar, bloodthorne
3) Hurricane Pike on Puck is not to "handle heroes who get too close to you like Huskar" because you already have Phase Shift for that (and Eul's or Linken additionally). Hurricane is for increased mobility not to mention that you can force enemies to get stunned in the Dream Coil by pushing them.
4) Octarine Core is IMMENSIVELY situational if not completely useless on Puck. Late game, the Orb is mostly used in the initiation combo Blink->silence->orb out, the Silence cooldown itself is low enough and can be lowered further with the related talent. The Phase shift cooldown also is low and it's not the real problem when playing Puck: the Blink Dagger's cooldown is, and it can be bypassed with the combo Phase shift->Eul's for a total of 6 seconds of invulnerability.
5) AM is not actually that much of a counter for Puck, it's actually the opposite: AM needs lockdown over the enemy in order to kill him while Puck is probably the most mobile hero in the game. AM is susceptible to silences from early to mid game, which makes him dead meat against Puck who can succesfully set up every single gank on him. Late game Puck can't do much against AM but that doesn't mean AM actually counters him, it just means that Puck is a nuker and AM is a damn hard carry, it's like expecting Crystal Maiden to kill Medusa.
6) Axe is so hard to kill as Puck? Wow, no sh*t dude. Next is gonna be: Bristleback is so hard to kill as Puck! They're called TANKS for a reason. If we really wanna talk about how Axe counters Puck you should talk about Berserker's Call.
7) How is Puck strong against Legion Commander? The entire sentence is literally a no brainer: if Legion duels a Puck's team mate, Puck can help that team mate winning the duel. Again, no sh*t dude, that's what every team does when going against LC and actually Puck can do little to nothing when LC duels someone: Dream Coil's stun doesn't last long enough to stop LC from duelling so unless Puck has specific items (Scythe, Pike and so on) he can't do anything besides spamming spells (which becomes useless once LC is tanky enough)
8) Drow Ranger COUNTERS Puck. Every single AoE/Not targeted silence can counter Puck, and Gust is a perfect example. Unless you have clear vision on Drow so that you can see the casting animation, Gush is gonna annihilate Puck until he gets an Eul. Moreover, one of the most common Drow's core item is Shadow Blade which makes her job at silencing Puck even easier.
9) Your "how to play" section is downright terrible. Farm for Dagon first? Yeah that works if your team has a good initiator that lets you delay Blink or Force Staff, otherwise you need to get one of those 2 ASAP.
If you're losing buy Scythe? I'm pretty sure that losing also means you're getting no gold. Veil and Eul's are good items when losing a game in order to secure some teamfights.
10) "Puck is not that strong in 7.05". Puck has never been more powerful in years of Dota.

What else can I say? My eyes are gonna bleed if I keep reading this guide
DioX (1) | May 3, 2017 6:26am
This guide irritates me on so many levels I have to go step by step:

1) First and foremost, the english is awful. English ain't my first language but if I post something long and complex like a guide I HAVE to spend enough time correcting misspellings and what-not.
2) In the roles section you actually thought of writing "SAFELANE/offlane". Safe Lane Puck? Seriously? At this point having a roaming Puck would make more sense rather than sending him in the safe lane.
3) No, carry Puck doesn't exist in this universe, whatever you say. Getting a Bloodthorn doesn't make you a carry as much as getting a Scythe of Vyse on Ursa doesn't make him a support. Puck's damage scales decently but his extreme squishyness will NEVER allow him to be a carry unless he gets a huge amount of gold which allows him to go for a very pub-only build consisting of Heart of Tarrasque, Black King Bar, bloodthorne
3) Hurricane Pike on Puck is not to "handle heroes who get too close to you like Huskar" because you already have Phase Shift for that (and Eul's or Linken additionally). Hurricane is for increased mobility not to mention that you can force enemies to get stunned in the Dream Coil by pushing them.
4) Octarine Core is IMMENSIVELY situational if not completely useless on Puck. Late game, the Orb is mostly used in the initiation combo Blink->silence->orb out, the Silence cooldown itself is low enough and can be lowered further with the related talent. The Phase shift cooldown also is low and it's not the real problem when playing Puck: the Blink Dagger's cooldown is, and it can be bypassed with the combo Phase shift->Eul's for a total of 6 seconds of invulnerability.
5) AM is not actually that much of a counter for Puck, it's actually the opposite: AM needs lockdown over the enemy in order to kill him while Puck is probably the most mobile hero in the game. AM is susceptible to silences from early to mid game, which makes him dead meat against Puck who can succesfully set up every single gank on him. Late game Puck can't do much against AM but that doesn't mean AM actually counters him, it just means that Puck is a nuker and AM is a damn hard carry, it's like expecting Crystal Maiden to kill Medusa.
6) Axe is so hard to kill as Puck? Wow, no sh*t dude. Next is gonna be: Bristleback is so hard to kill as Puck! They're called TANKS for a reason. If we really wanna talk about how Axe counters Puck you should talk about Berserker's Call.
7) How is Puck strong against Legion Commander? The entire sentence is literally a no brainer: if Legion duels a Puck's team mate, Puck can help that team mate winning the duel. Again, no sh*t dude, that's what every team does when going against LC and actually Puck can do little to nothing when LC duels someone: Dream Coil's stun doesn't last long enough to stop LC from duelling so unless Puck has specific items (Scythe, Pike and so on) he can't do anything besides spamming spells (which becomes useless once LC is tanky enough)
8) Drow Ranger COUNTERS Puck. Every single AoE/Not targeted silence can counter Puck, and Gust is a perfect example. Unless you have clear vision on Drow so that you can see the casting animation, Gush is gonna annihilate Puck until he gets an Eul. Moreover, one of the most common Drow's core item is Shadow Blade which makes her job at silencing Puck even easier.
9) Your "how to play" section is downright terrible. Farm for Dagon first? Yeah that works if your team has a good initiator that lets you delay Blink or Force Staff, otherwise you need to get one of those 2 ASAP.
If you're losing buy Scythe? I'm pretty sure that losing also means you're getting no gold. Veil and Eul's are good items when losing a game in order to secure some teamfights.
10) "Puck is not that strong in 7.05". Puck has never been more powerful in years of Dota.

What else can I say? My eyes are gonna bleed if I keep reading this guide

Anything is possible on a hero, your just not good and your team might be **** that's why you do not know what a hero is truely is.
knight96-1994 (2) | May 3, 2017 9:54am
DioX wrote:

Anything is possible on a hero, your just not good and your team might be **** that's why you do not know what a hero is truely is.

Heh, I only have 200 games on Puck, what can I possibly know right? All I know is that you couldn't even reply on each single point I gave
TheSofa (54) | April 29, 2017 8:17am

(Unfortunately for you, I play Puck pretty well so I hope you don't mind the harsh comments)

1. You can't not skill Phase Shift by level 2. It does too much for you to give it up.
2. Blink Dagger before Dagon. Please. Blink is soooo good on Puck and you can't actually do much with the dagon if you don't have blink
3. How come you don't have a mid puck build?
4. Puck is actually pretty strong this patch - it's because of his high base damage and great attack animation. With a null talisman start in the mid lane you can easily out cs other mid laners.

Good luck with your smurf!
DioX (1) | April 30, 2017 6:37am
TheSofa wrote:

(Unfortunately for you, I play Puck pretty well so I hope you don't mind the harsh comments)

1. You can't not skill Phase Shift by level 2. It does too much for you to give it up.
2. Blink Dagger before Dagon. Please. Blink is soooo good on Puck and you can't actually do much with the dagon if you don't have blink
3. How come you don't have a mid puck build?
4. Puck is actually pretty strong this patch - it's because of his high base damage and great attack animation. With a null talisman start in the mid lane you can easily out cs other mid laners.

Good luck with your smurf!

opps build 2, 3 and 4 can be mid. you just play with a lot of vhs players and you never enjoy it and sometimes in vhs they make mistake like a normal skill bracket and so you don't have any advantage unless you pick a right hero, team fight or push to win.

took you 1 year to figure that out?


Dagon can be helpful for puck since the fairy orb can just be an escape mechanism and the silence deals damage and silence a high spell dependant hero that needs its spells to cast to make an easy kill which gives your team an advantage.

I have 190 smurf accounts. 50% of them are 4k accounts 5% of them are 3k accounts 30% of them are 5k accounts and 15% of them are 6k accounts I sell them to get a quick bunks or mony and buy real life items what I need. like a new Iphone 7, expensive food that rich people eats and etc. etc. now stfu so I can enjoy life. thanks for the info.

Edit: can a 0.75 phase shift is enough to not get stunned or disabled? (except for silencer that thing ruins Puck)
DioX (1) | April 30, 2017 6:38am
or you must be blind when you made this comment? axe, juggernaut, centaur warrunner or proffesional players can just easily kill Puck because its an easy target to kill even if your a proffessional player. now let me play Roblox that this kids suggested to me. thanks for your time.

and if I ever want to show my account it must be 70-0 first game then the rest 20-0 or 20-1 then 50 wins in a row to show off I'm better than you. I have ocd if I see my account sucks I sell it and get mony.

and I read it again it sounds like your comment is also a smurf comment.
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