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Thank you!!!
Could you just get smoke to get into Roshan? Instead of waiting the 1-2 minutes and buying sentries.
@Whated What's that -1 ? instead of givin' him an advice u discourage him, in his opinion blink is better initiator than shadow blade, own preference.
Also this guide very understable my eyes aren't bleeding, i had a nice reading, the guide looks perfect.
If i could give u +20 i would do it.
Edit: Also i strongly recommend an early point on earthshock; it saved me many times from ganks specially on early levels (pudge especially) also can help you offensively to catch an enemy.
Instantly -1. Read enough... meh...
Lots of information and reasons explaining why you chose the items and strategies you did.
I'd like to point out that one of the biggest counters to Ursa (Besides stuns and other disables) is the blade mail (Resends all that overpower damage straight by you). Also, in early game, ranged harassment is pretty annoying, since normally you won't be able to get within melee range without overextending and them tower-hugging)
Ursa's a great pubstomp hero, just remember that you're a prime target!
Keep up the good work!