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41 Votes

Pubstomping like a baws with Lycanthrope

March 27, 2012 by Taki#135057
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NinjaFatcats (1) | August 9, 2012 1:41am
Nice guide
Up from me! :)
tetrislame | May 24, 2012 4:47pm
Great guide but i cant agree to "-Not so good late-game." in a pubstomping guide. Just get a gank on enemy carries off everytime your ulti is up and lol at them in lategame.
ExEvolution (3) | May 19, 2012 3:52pm
Great guide, followed this and stomped my first Lycan game. The entire team quit in 15 minutes
warpskullz | May 4, 2012 1:15am
Greatest hero, I know you say he isn't a late game hero, But I beg to differ, Just getting items such as bkb and satanic mean you can take on any hero and walk away with a win. All he needs to have is a solid income, as long as the gold keeps rolling in, lycan will only grow in strength. Great guide though
sevXone | May 2, 2012 9:02am
Epic build, just used it and had 22/0/8. Everyone in the game was flaming me and telling me to play an other hero :P
Evul_Beehatch (2) | April 21, 2012 1:58pm
Lycanthrope is one of my best heroes in DotA, and I enjoy playing him alot. There are some things I don't totally agree on your build:

First, you can solo Roshan, but it's always nice to bring help, even if just for scouting sides. Necronomicon, while being a good item, is not for you. Yes, it has great utility, but you'll be gimping yourself, and taking one less item choice for your supports. Don't buy it. Also, Boots of Travel should only be bought, in my opinion, with some kind of organized push composition, and not in a pub game.
Lyca isn't a hard-carry. He's a semi-carry. His job is to go in, take an important target out, and then just dish out damage like a moron. He can't compete with the hard carries in Late-Game, but he can sure as hell stop their farm during the mid-game, where Lycan truely shines.
I myself use a similar build to yours, rushing Vladmir's, followed by Power Treads, and a Cranium Basher, and then whatever is needed. BKB/Cuirass, etc.

Good guide nontheless, go stomp those noobs! +1 :)
Taki#135057 (4) | March 26, 2012 5:11am
Thank you very much guys, means alot to me.
I answered K1llerfaith question in the FAQ section :)
effektd | March 24, 2012 6:23pm
This guide is awesome, using this build order and item order I'm usually great mid game and ok late game.

The wolves come in super handy early for farming, and I rarely need to worry about making sure I last hit, as 75% of the time the wolves are doing the job.

On the jungling side of things I would suggest RoS and 2xClarity for early jungling till 6 and just farm creep until vlads.

Once you hit 4/4 Wolf and Feral (LVL9) you can pretty much push any tower you want and will smash most other heroes.

Great work.
borodin (5) | March 24, 2012 10:30am
Great Guide but you need to update it because they finally released him.
now you can update the jungling part and backqround story.
there is only one thing i dont understand.. Why did you say he is weak late game. I had like 11/1/4 in my first dota 2 game and i was jungling so I will be playing him a lot these days like that and please explain how do you lane middle i never tried it.
To Sum up +1
2L3G1T2Quit (1) | February 24, 2012 1:05pm
Whats with the flying couriers
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