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3 Votes

Pubstomp Troll Warlord 6.83c

April 1, 2015 by enganacious
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Timminatorr (57) | May 25, 2015 4:26pm
ljl87 wrote:

You are right there.... but stout and poor got overnerfed....... the only way to get **** loads of dmg block now is vanguard and crimson guard.....

poor mans was actually buffed since it gives exactly the same, but stout got cheaper.

ljl87 wrote:

Obviously..... Blink dagger isn't that useful for troll...... sb is better....... I don't see any trollers use blink dagger.....

I don't use bkb.... for some reason before 6.84 fcked up update...... I don't get countered often..... So I went into Sny Immediately after hotd. Who says Sny is useless..... Sny is perfect for troll.... You will always slow your opponent with SnY... and he needs health.... not more attack speed..... and never forget the movement speed it gives..... activate it with phase and you will haste. Activate it with sb and you will see yourself charging towards the enemy. Even tho diffusal is a good weapon on him. Vlad's is good.... but hotd is better.

blink is the better initiation item, and although its unneeded in pubs cause nobody tries to counter you anyway its really good on a bit higher level.

also, BKB 100% of the time unless you just stomp because your enemies are bad.
ljl87 | May 25, 2015 1:15pm
Gregthegreat wrote:

I stopped here. What do you mean by this statement? It seems to imply that Stout and Poor Man's block damage differently depending on the source, which isn't correct - it blocks damage based on who is wearing it.

So in melee form, Troll gets the melee block. If he's in ranged, he gets the ranged block.

You are right there.... but stout and poor got overnerfed....... the only way to get **** loads of dmg block now is vanguard and crimson guard.....
ljl87 | May 25, 2015 1:11pm
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

you don't need bottle, learn to conserve your mana.

formatting needs to be done. here's a link

also, nothing beats a blink dagger initiation.

diffusal blade is one of the better items to get on troll warlord simply because of the insane amounts of damage it does. it affectively gives you 60 damage, burns a lot of mana and gives you more attack speed for moar bashes. It also effectively eliminates all reason to make SnY, enabling you to make Manta style which is infinitely better in the late game.

this sentence makes no sense, and the underlined one is absolutely wrong. BoT gives one of the highest amounts of utility in the game with a TP which has a lowered cooldown and 100 movement speed not to mention the cost related to TP scrolls.

Vlads is ****. 'nuff said.

Black King Bar not core on troll? wow. just, wow.

I agree with the assault curi*** pickup. Just mention mjollnir in there, just because it's a ******* amazing item.

the guide looks like the first draft of my first guide; incomplete, unformatted and open-ended.

The information is there, you just need to work on it. Witholding my +1 for now. sorry :/

Obviously..... Blink dagger isn't that useful for troll...... sb is better....... I don't see any trollers use blink dagger.....

I don't use bkb.... for some reason before 6.84 fcked up update...... I don't get countered often..... So I went into Sny Immediately after hotd. Who says Sny is useless..... Sny is perfect for troll.... You will always slow your opponent with SnY... and he needs health.... not more attack speed..... and never forget the movement speed it gives..... activate it with phase and you will haste. Activate it with sb and you will see yourself charging towards the enemy. Even tho diffusal is a good weapon on him. Vlad's is good.... but hotd is better.
magicmat (1) | April 8, 2015 9:58am
Few comments of me:
    Quelling Blade: Perhaps its not nessasary at start if you doing lasthitting fine. But as soon as you start to go jungle to quickfarm or doing rosh, it helps you so much and bost your farming speed a lot.
    Sometimes it makes sense to buy the Morbid Mask before Phase Boots. For example if you start with a good farm and they try to gank you often. With MM you can farm in Jungle....
    Roshan: You should do this as often you can do and always alone with smoke. With RoA, PB, HotD and Quelling Blade its no Problem.
    BKB: For me its still core in most of the games, even in a pup. If there are early teamfights and a lot stuns, i will get it after SnY (or comparable). Otherwise one item later ( 5 seconds are enough to use your ulti and have a benfit of it).

And enjoy your 6.84 nerf :)

I think so too....
Gregthegreat (1) | April 6, 2015 6:39pm
Both shields are really poor at blocking ranged damage comparatively.

I stopped here. What do you mean by this statement? It seems to imply that Stout and Poor Man's block damage differently depending on the source, which isn't correct - it blocks damage based on who is wearing it.

So in melee form, Troll gets the melee block. If he's in ranged, he gets the ranged block.
RudeNess (1) | April 2, 2015 2:03am
ok i think this guide too short... see its corect its contain every thing players need to know but there is no tips or some advice just a build and some aspain about the items and skills..
BTW in the first chapter you wrote "Oh wait, he can be ranged too?" its not correct he can be melle too because Troll Warlord is a range hero from first place :D
Troll Warlord doesnt need Bottle too.
form my opnion Blink Dagger is a total waste of money on that hero...
if you can buy Shadow Blade and Phase Boots there is no reason to waste gold on Blink Dagger

and man you really need to play a hero before upload a guide no one buy VLAD on Troll Warlord its inst good at all and VLAD dosent work on range...

i hope i help
KoDyAbAbA (65) | April 1, 2015 5:09pm
you don't need bottle, learn to conserve your mana.

formatting needs to be done. here's a link

also, nothing beats a blink dagger initiation.

diffusal blade is one of the better items to get on troll warlord simply because of the insane amounts of damage it does. it affectively gives you 60 damage, burns a lot of mana and gives you more attack speed for moar bashes. It also effectively eliminates all reason to make SnY, enabling you to make Manta style which is infinitely better in the late game.


Boots of Travel are basically just there to allow you to TP while 6-slotted. There's no real functional advantage for the movement speed since the Phase active is pretty vital for chasing in most instances.

this sentence makes no sense, and the underlined one is absolutely wrong. BoT gives one of the highest amounts of utility in the game with a TP which has a lowered cooldown and 100 movement speed not to mention the cost related to TP scrolls.

Vlads is ****. 'nuff said.

Black King Bar not core on troll? wow. just, wow.

I agree with the assault curi*** pickup. Just mention mjollnir in there, just because it's a ******* amazing item.

the guide looks like the first draft of my first guide; incomplete, unformatted and open-ended.

The information is there, you just need to work on it. Witholding my +1 for now. sorry :/
Hamstertamer (89) | April 1, 2015 4:52pm
Yep, guide makes sense, it's short, it's clear, it's what Troll pickers do all the time and it works.

+1 from me.
And enjoy your 6.84 nerf :)
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