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2 Votes

PubStomp Lifestealer

October 3, 2015 by Hareger
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magicmat (1) | October 21, 2015 3:37am
Hamstertamer wrote:

"you are junglng for the first 25 minutes of the game"? No, you're not. "You are jungling for 6 to 10 minutes to get a few cheap items like phase/drum or phase/armlet and then you should go for kills every time you can by Infesting mobile gankers in your team like Queen of Pain or Puck" is what I should be reading.

Again, you don't go into the jungle to farm, and you don't go into the jungle to buy a midas. No matter what hero you're playing, no matter your skill level, even if you're playing at 1K MMR. Because if you do that, you're forcing your team to play 4v5 for 20 minutes, you make your team lose *every single lane* by being useless for that time. GG report naix.

Oh man, i like this comment so much. I think thats the reason for 15% or more loss in my games (or wins ;-)). And in my mmr they often farmed so slow...
bucknutz12 | October 9, 2015 7:27pm

I don't agree with this guide,I mean, you should get one point into life steal early, but its much better to put your first skill point into Rage and THEN into life steal. That way you can get out of ganks early on. That and the items arn't even that good to get on him. True Armlet is core, and Blink is good to have, but the rest just don't fit that well with Naix. I mean you do want attack speed, but not that much. Thats gold you should spend on a BKB or maybe an MKB,or anything else thats good on him.

Seriously???? BKB is need on getting that again unless your rage isnt enough for their stuns or such (6 secs of bkb with lvl 4 rage)... And not that much attack speed????? That makes no sense what so ever. The more AS you have the faster you can heal yourself...cause crits, etc.. etc... Your rebuttle is horrible. The only 2 items i disagree with is Moon shard and blink. moon shard is ok late game consumed..but a waste otherwise. The 2 most important things life stealer needs is attack speed and armor. His armor is horrible. Assault cuirass cures attack speed and armor. It and armlet are his true cores. His item choices over all arent bad though.
Stevethemonkey | October 5, 2015 9:11am
I don't agree with this guide,I mean, you should get one point into life steal early, but its much better to put your first skill point into Rage and THEN into life steal. That way you can get out of ganks early on. That and the items arn't even that good to get on him. True Armlet is core, and Blink is good to have, but the rest just don't fit that well with Naix. I mean you do want attack speed, but not that much. Thats gold you should spend on a BKB or maybe an MKB,or anything else thats good on him.
apaz (17) | October 4, 2015 7:27am
Blubbles wrote:

Very very short. Please include a gameplay section.

For a specific playstyle, perhaps. But for a normal guide, I would stay away from it. I've seen way too many "Early game, Midgame, Endgame" guides. Instead of doing it like that, do it as "What should I be doing if."
Blubbles (13) | October 3, 2015 10:39pm
Very very short. Please include a gameplay section.
Hareger | October 3, 2015 8:19pm
Thank you for all the comments, i´m going to make a Ganker Lifestealer guide, i really want to make Low tier heros viable. I´m gonna post another gonna very soon , after a few tests
apaz (17) | October 3, 2015 7:23pm

Feast is now considered as normal bonus damage (can Crit and Cleave off it)

Whups. All right, next example. Phantom Assassin can easily kite and re-initiate on Lifestealer, carries harder than him, and can force him to buy a Monkey King Bar for her Blur. She also can farm faster than him and can outfight him with equal farm at most all stages of the game.
Hamstertamer (89) | October 3, 2015 2:41pm
apaz wrote:

You can't crit with a Daedalus on bonus damage from Feast.

Tststs, looks like someone needs to read the 6.84 patch notes :)

No, there's only one thing wrong with the guide, and it's not the formatting. It's something *extremely* wrong and it's something you should NEVER do.
You should never AFK jungle with any hero for 25 minutes. Ever.
You should never buy Hand of Midas on a jungler. Ever.
Junglers are not farmers. Junglers are either supports or early gankers.

Even if you suppose jungle Lifestealer is a thing (which it is not, because LS needs too much farm before he can gank and he's veeeery slow at farming jungle anyways), at most you can farm the jungle for about 10 minutes before you start ganking sidelanes. If you don't do that you literally cost your team the game on your own.

"you are junglng for the first 25 minutes of the game"? No, you're not. "You are jungling for 6 to 10 minutes to get a few cheap items like phase/drum or phase/armlet and then you should go for kills every time you can by Infesting mobile gankers in your team like Queen of Pain or Puck" is what I should be reading.

Again, you don't go into the jungle to farm, and you don't go into the jungle to buy a midas. No matter what hero you're playing, no matter your skill level, even if you're playing at 1K MMR. Because if you do that, you're forcing your team to play 4v5 for 20 minutes, you make your team lose *every single lane* by being useless for that time. GG report naix.

Other than that, items are good, and guide is OK but very short. Just insisting on that "jungler = ganker" thing because it's something that people need to absolutely understand.
apaz (17) | October 3, 2015 2:19pm
First, the guide is WAY too short.

Next, if you say something, explain it.

Third, get your facts right. You can't crit with a Daedalus on bonus damage from Feast. That's just one example.

Fourth, actually explain the hero. A guide should explain how to play a hero.

Fifth, you need to have variance in your build. For example, Hand of Midas isn't a good idea if they can carry harder than you or if they have heroes that end the game earlier than most, like pushers and carries that come online quickly.

Sixth, explain the strengths and weaknesses of the hero. Lifestealer has low base Armor and a low AGI growth, So you'll need to buy items to try and counteract that.

Seventh, Grammar.

Eighth, explain synergies between skills and items, like Feast and Assault Cuirass. It gives much-needed Armor, gives attack speed so you can Feast more, and the Armor reduction makes you deal more damage with Feast and therefore steal more health. That bonus health that you stole also goes farther because you have more Armor. Stuff like that.

Overall, if you explain more, you should be fine.
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