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Pub stomping for the faint of heart :Tiny

July 7, 2012 by Ninten#252355
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ERMAC__#172623 (7) | August 4, 2012 9:11pm
Tiny shouldn't be in a lane with the carry. That's really bad advice. Tiny is fairly level dependent...and there are 50 other heroes that would be better lane support with a carry. That is a really ****ty lane. Tiny on a side lane is pretty bad in general, but if you are you should be getting gold since he needs Manaboots and blink fast, otherwise he won't do much. He needs to start solo ganking as soon as he can.

Also...why gloves? What do you build gloves into? What does a huge burst damage hero like tiny needs a mediocre attack speed bonus at minute one?


No,� It� doesn't� leave� you� vulnerable� if� you're� smart� and� good� with� last� hits� it� leaves� you� with� almost� 100� gold� towards� your� boots

You can be the smartest person in the world, but that's not going to stop mid lane matches from coming in to play. Ever go mid against a decent QoP? Invoker? heroes that can out farm and harass you? Also, you should be getting a bottle first, not boots.
xxxKalamityxxx | July 19, 2012 7:17pm
Starting items make no sense and doesn't let you take advantage of your strength at beginning game add some gloves and u only need 1 tango and maby a clarity tinys only disadvantage is that he is very mana dependent which is why you have to rush arcane boots then go for a blink and if you are playing as tiny and in lane with a carry (which you should be) you shouldn't be be getting last hits at all your main goal is the build your carry as fast as possible...
Ninten#252355 | July 9, 2012 8:50pm
No, It doesn't leave you vulnerable if you're smart and good with last hits it leaves you with almost 100 gold towards your boots
deadich | July 8, 2012 3:26am
u dont start with any real items at all? Don't you have money left after buying that? do u save the money to get boots faster? Doesn't that kind of leave you vulnerable
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