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7 Votes

Pub Stomping Brewmaster ~

December 24, 2012 by Wendell X
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vonflare | May 29, 2014 11:07am
alexan1308 wrote:

if you go mid as a melee hero, unless you are running quas invoker or dragon knight, have 1 salve and 1 tango, it will make sure you wont have to come back.

Invoker is not a melee hero...
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 20, 2013 5:03am
alexan1308 wrote:

played brewmaster mid yesterday, got 3 early kills against a viper and i maxed dodge before thunder clap. I started with salve, tango, stout shield and gauntlet. Rushed phase boots then drums.

Got 4 more kills after that, and from there i simply couldnt beat nyx, bounty and viper combo, also played against zeus, althoguh i never died from his ulti. my team mates wouldnt help me and phantom assassin kept jungling until lv 15 and kept at it until end of game, never seen anyone play him that passively.

Hated that round because i did so well and team ****ed it up.Geming up didnt help.

Tl;DR: Hes a beast at mid ,but he cant solo **** no matter how good you do.

Tips: If there is no one nearby with a stun or disable, wait until you are close to death in a fight and use your ulti, in some pubs its suprises them because they sacrificed their safety thinknig i would soon be dead.

That's because Brewmaster is a mid-game carry; also, if you don't get a Blink Dagger your usefulness after ~20-30 minutes becomes zero. This Hero is always picked as an initiator and because he can keep up with ranged mid laners (thanks to Drunken Brawler): he can occasionally dominate the mid game, but without an initiation tool his usefulness drops as said before.

Long story short: instead of spending money on a Sange and Yasha (which is known as one of the worst items in terms of cost-efficiency) get a Blink Dagger and invest the rest of your gold on aura or survivability items, as your power comes from the insane amounts of CCs with low cooldown (with Primal Split) and surprise effect.

Last but not least, a quick tip for the author of the guide: any Hero in mid lane must get a Bottle, no matter what; if your enemy has the rune advantage you will get killed more often than without them. Also, you might want to consider a pair of Arcane Boots instead of Phase Boots.
alexan1308 | March 20, 2013 1:45am
played brewmaster mid yesterday, got 3 early kills against a viper and i maxed dodge before thunder clap. I started with salve, tango, stout shield and gauntlet. Rushed phase boots then drums.

Got 4 more kills after that, and from there i simply couldnt beat nyx, bounty and viper combo, also played against zeus, althoguh i never died from his ulti. my team mates wouldnt help me and phantom assassin kept jungling until lv 15 and kept at it until end of game, never seen anyone play him that passively.

Hated that round because i did so well and team ****ed it up.Geming up didnt help.

Tl;DR: Hes a beast at mid ,but he cant solo **** no matter how good you do.

Tips: If there is no one nearby with a stun or disable, wait until you are close to death in a fight and use your ulti, in some pubs its suprises them because they sacrificed their safety thinknig i would soon be dead.
alexan1308 | March 20, 2013 1:32am

I prefer helm over vladimirs because gives pretty nice stas and also if u are farmed and a bit feeded you can turn it into satanic wich is the best item in the game.
And the start items are a bit risky for new players, try to make build 2 and add some tangoes health potions etc.
+1 cause im nice

if you go mid as a melee hero, unless you are running quas invoker or dragon knight, have 1 salve and 1 tango, it will make sure you wont have to come back.
SCRUBDESTROYER (1) | December 26, 2012 2:23pm
I prefer helm over vladimirs because gives pretty nice stas and also if u are farmed and a bit feeded you can turn it into satanic wich is the best item in the game.
And the start items are a bit risky for new players, try to make build 2 and add some tangoes health potions etc.
+1 cause im nice
OneHalf (10) | December 24, 2012 1:05pm
I suggest Basher/Abyssal - Mangix is a really good anticarry.
Hades4u (296) | December 24, 2012 8:24am
I'd take a level of Drunken Haze at level 4, since that slow and miss chance can make a big difference in an early fight.
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