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I'd just like to remind everyone of an alternative skill build that is broadly disliked in the public but efficient nevertheless.
Basically you go stats instead of frost arrows. Now here is the catch with this skill build, you practically cannot and should not gank (unless there is a clear and easy kill for you), but rather stay in mid lane and rice farm like a boss.
The rationale behind this game style (which can really be used only in mid lvl games) is that if you are skilled enough with drow you can lasthit almost every creep and deny 70% of the opponents creeps, thus destroying his farm and xp gain. I personally have used this strat many times and it worked 7/10 games.
In this setup you would go HoTD and Manta which scales incredibly well with the stats build and makes you without a doubt the strongest hero in the mid game.
When going for this build, if you have Yasha and HoTD around lvl 12 (which you definitely should be able to pull off) you can and must solo Roshan after which you should be unstoppable and stomp the game.
I agree.
Basically you go stats instead of frost arrows. Now here is the catch with this skill build, you practically cannot and should not gank (unless there is a clear and easy kill for you), but rather stay in mid lane and rice farm like a boss.
The rationale behind this game style (which can really be used only in mid lvl games) is that if you are skilled enough with drow you can lasthit almost every creep and deny 70% of the opponents creeps, thus destroying his farm and xp gain. I personally have used this strat many times and it worked 7/10 games.
In this setup you would go HoTD and Manta which scales incredibly well with the stats build and makes you without a doubt the strongest hero in the mid game.
When going for this build, if you have Yasha and HoTD around lvl 12 (which you definitely should be able to pull off) you can and must solo Roshan after which you should be unstoppable and stomp the game.
About 80% of garena players built it in 2010.
in pubs lothar is great items because it almoast gets you invicible.
It basically delays your lategame way too much and it's honestly a waste of a good item slot.
Aragon, i agree completely! Very few people bother to counter invisibility which is why it works so well in pub matches.
Because you get more damage, more attack speed, two illusions, armor and lifesteal.
You must survive too, not just deal damage.