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3 Votes

PsYkO's Basic Guide to Zeus

June 14, 2012 by PsYkO
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Larry The Amphibious Shar (4) | July 19, 2012 3:34pm
Thanks for copying my skill and item build.
Numeta (27) | June 14, 2012 10:55am
I dunno, aghs has good stats which makes it a good buy, and refresher is also good. It can come down to you only being able to get off a double ult, or simply casting a double ult from well via buy back.

Ghost sceptor is nice for survivability and you can convert to eth blade later. But sheep / blink are also nice.
PsYkO | June 14, 2012 10:45am
kirbyruled wrote:

Not to swarm you with "Try Item 1! No Item 2!" posts, but Veil of Discord is fantastic on this hero. You don't even really need a great lineup for it; Zeus deals so much Magic damage that it's entirely justifiable for your own selfish use. The effective range (cast range + AoE) is also strong enough to allow you to still position yourself 700 units or so away from enemies.

Still, you shouldn't rush Veil; the relatively poor stats are the main drawback. I prefer start with a build like the one you have listed, go mid + get Bottle, then get Arcane Boots and works a Bloodstone (don't buy another Energy Booster). After you get everything but a second EB, dissemble your Arcane Boots to finish Stone. Since Veil provides some Armor/HP Regen and is going to come after Zeus at the very least is Level 11, the timing could not be better.

After Veil/Bloodstone, consider luxuries such as Blink Dagger, Ghost Scepter, Force Staff, Boots of Travel, Shiva's Guard, Linken's Sphere, Scythe of Vyze or even a Heart of Tarrasque. Keep in mind while BS/Veil may seem like a ton of farm, once you get BS you can pretty much go to town with Arc spam, which is effective not only for farming lanes but also for farming stacked camps.

no i find all the input very helpful n helps me to look at items i over looked becuz i didnt really know about it so thnx for tat
kirbyruled (16) | June 11, 2012 1:18pm
Not to swarm you with "Try Item 1! No Item 2!" posts, but Veil of Discord is fantastic on this hero. You don't even really need a great lineup for it; Zeus deals so much Magic damage that it's entirely justifiable for your own selfish use. The effective range (cast range + AoE) is also strong enough to allow you to still position yourself 700 units or so away from enemies.

Still, you shouldn't rush Veil; the relatively poor stats are the main drawback. I prefer start with a build like the one you have listed, go mid + get Bottle, then get Arcane Boots and works a Bloodstone (don't buy another Energy Booster). After you get everything but a second EB, dissemble your Arcane Boots to finish Stone. Since Veil provides some Armor/HP Regen and is going to come after Zeus at the very least is Level 11, the timing could not be better.

After Veil/Bloodstone, consider luxuries such as Blink Dagger, Ghost Scepter, Force Staff, Boots of Travel, Shiva's Guard, Linken's Sphere, Scythe of Vyze or even a Heart of Tarrasque. Keep in mind while BS/Veil may seem like a ton of farm, once you get BS you can pretty much go to town with Arc spam, which is effective not only for farming lanes but also for farming stacked camps.
HamSandwich (34) | June 11, 2012 12:35pm
No blink dagger?
PsYkO | June 11, 2012 11:51am
ic wat u guys r saying n all makes sense
thnx for the input
Atlas (117) | June 11, 2012 10:45am
Well, in reality, you should not build around Zeus' ultimate.

His real strength lies in his ability to spam, not his ability to finish people off/kill steal. Orchid/Sheepstick/Bloodstone are all really good on Zeus because they will allow him to continually spam his nuke in a teamfight. When you consider how much damage his lightning bolt alone does, and with it on short cooldown, you really melt targets in a teamfight. After that, a BKB can even be a common pickup so that you yourself aren't destroyed.

If the game gets to VERY late game, then a refresher/aghas can be an okay pickup, but it's last priority in all reality.
Xenasis (11) | June 11, 2012 10:12am
I somewhat agree - though I've not voted.

They're not bad per se, in a certain situation (like if you end up 10/0 by 15 minutes) then sure maybe they are a good luxury.

They are most certainly not core, however.
PsYkO | June 11, 2012 9:23am
Atlas wrote:

Aghas and Refresher both suck on Zeus. -1

really? idk i think the extra damage boost from aghas would b of good use
and refresher would help nuke n get more kills in one fight n help finish off enemies that r running away idk just my thoughts
Atlas (117) | June 10, 2012 6:21pm
Aghas and Refresher both suck on Zeus. -1
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