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PsYkO's Basic Guide to Sniper

June 14, 2012 by PsYkO
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PsYkO | June 14, 2012 7:43pm
well even if the movement speed doesnt stack the greater maim helps a great deal in chasing and disabling the enemy

and i just find shrapnel to b kinda useless so i guess yea i should just change it to just stats n shrapnel for the end
also i just find mjollnir a better choice the attack speed all stacked up you'll kill most enemies fairly quickly also the static charge is helpful and idk i just prefer it over the latter

plus everyone has different playing styles this is just mine and when i hear suggestions i do take them and put them into consideration and change my build if it seems better according to my style of gameplay so i appreciate all the input thnx guys
kirbyruled (16) | June 14, 2012 2:31pm
Shrapnel should either be maxed by 7 or skipped for Stats. No reason to introduce a weak nuke like that into your build so late. Either get it early or don't get it at all.

Items are mostly fine except for the issue mentioned by AngryTurtle with Sange and Yasha being outclassed by (and stacking poorly with) Manta Style. Although personally I prefer Eye of Skadi on Sniper over Mjollnir. You could actually stack them if you wanted; Mjollnir will override Eye of Skadi if it procs, but they will be slowed on all other hits.
AngryTurtle (7) | June 14, 2012 11:18am
using both a SnY and a Manta is bad because their movement bonuses don't stack.
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