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PsYkO's Basic Guide to Lycan

June 14, 2012 by PsYkO
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PsYkO | June 14, 2012 7:36pm
AngryTurtle wrote:

You should specify if those starting items are for laning or for jungle because as a jungle build most will find that the standard RoB+2clarity is a better starting jungle build than quelling/prot/tango because your wolves tank all the damage and are fairly mana intensive so the clarities and bas ring buffs them and keeps you with enough mana to reach that early vlads.

Also almost all good lycans are going to pick up a medallion fairly early, many even wait until they have the medallion about the time they reach 7 to do their first rosh because the -6 armor speeds up your rosh kill so much and a lot of the early game mana problems of wolf summoning is alleviated by it.

Lastly any lycan guide that doesn't mention desolator and necronomicon is sorely lacking (especially if you put in a buriza which isn't very useful since your ult already grants you a high crit chance which would render buriza far less effective.) A large portion of lycans viability comes from tower pushing power and both deso and necronomicon are awesome for that job while still giving him great bonuses in fighting capability.

thnx for the input n even if the wolves tank for u in the jungle in the beginning without quell farming neutral creeps take too long cuz the wolves will die
AngryTurtle (7) | June 14, 2012 10:53am
You should specify if those starting items are for laning or for jungle because as a jungle build most will find that the standard RoB+2clarity is a better starting jungle build than quelling/prot/tango because your wolves tank all the damage and are fairly mana intensive so the clarities and bas ring buffs them and keeps you with enough mana to reach that early vlads.

Also almost all good lycans are going to pick up a medallion fairly early, many even wait until they have the medallion about the time they reach 7 to do their first rosh because the -6 armor speeds up your rosh kill so much and a lot of the early game mana problems of wolf summoning is alleviated by it.

Lastly any lycan guide that doesn't mention desolator and necronomicon is sorely lacking (especially if you put in a buriza which isn't very useful since your ult already grants you a high crit chance which would render buriza far less effective.) A large portion of lycans viability comes from tower pushing power and both deso and necronomicon are awesome for that job while still giving him great bonuses in fighting capability.
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