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16 Votes

ProVoKer - Right Click Invoker

January 8, 2015 by Ferco
Comments: 37    |    Views: 34805    |   

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Ferco | January 26, 2015 8:34am
FleetAU wrote:

so basically what your saying, is why use your skills when you can buy damage, whats nexts only stats right click lion?

I'm not saying no skills... I'm giving you a guide for extensively using those 2 skills, cold snap and forge spirit that best sinergize with armor reduction, attack speed and damage items.

FleetAU (16) | January 25, 2015 12:51am
so basically what your saying, is why use your skills when you can buy damage, whats nexts only stats right click lion?
Ferco | January 19, 2015 4:19am
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

EXACTLY.your guide must be viable on all tiers of skill.This is hardly viable in low skill games.:/

Hi KoDyAbAbA,

That doesn't mean you can't play invoker in higher experience games. In fact, I play it all the time and I'm on a 5 win streak at the moment with my invoker. I've been getting >20 assists consistently with this invoker, combining some of the other spells. The Viability depends highly on the dexterity of the player.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 15, 2015 1:11am
Ferco wrote:

I think it's cool when somebody comes with a different way of playing a hero, and it's fun and it works, maybe not at pro levels, but makes the enemies think,wtf is this guy doing?

EXACTLY.your guide must be viable on all tiers of skill.This is hardly viable in low skill games.:/
Ferco | January 15, 2015 1:05am
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

so my comment doesnt deserve an answer then i guess ;_; </3

Hey KoDyAbAbA,

Don't worry, I have love for you too.

By the time I've reached level 25 I'll be a fully functional invoker, with all the spells at your disposal, except your items will give you a crazy amount of damage, armour reduction and attack speed. The point is, in early and mid game, nobody will like to get into melee range with you. You'll mini-stun them and damage them so quick and so hard in a way they really don't expect and that's what plays in your favour. No sniper, no sven, nobody can resists the cold snap and the two spirits early to mid game. And the beauty is that melee will try to get closer to you...

You also can be a hell of an initiator and wreck havoc late game, why not? Yesterday I got into a game with 27 assists, just because I initiated with blast and ice path on many of the teamfights... very true, but nothing gets you kills like cold snap and damage items.

I think it's cool when somebody comes with a different way of playing a hero, and it's fun and it works, maybe not at pro levels, but makes the enemies think, wtf is this guy doing?

Hope to play with you sometime.

KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 13, 2015 4:09pm
so my comment doesnt deserve an answer then i guess ;_; </3
Kyphoid returns (42) | January 13, 2015 8:51am
Use a rule if you want to reply each and every person properly, it still is better than individual independant posts.
gives a

if you are stuck on playing invoker this way i wont make you budge.
Me mum says one thing: Fools listen on hearsay;but only geniuses make mistakes.

If you are genius, you will improvise, when the time comes it will tell you.

Ferco | January 13, 2015 8:43am

My comment as to someone was legit was directed towards a first time poster who had criticised your build and was about to be flamed by kody,the editor.
Your build is good in low life trench pubs. Don't expect ti run this anywhere else. Inboker right click means you stand in one place. You do not put impetus on spells so you have no defense. So a puck or nyx. Hell even a spirit breaker will kill you and take your rapiers and put them to use in ways that an invoker cant execute.

I can even kill your idiot as squishy invoker mid game by a sniper when you are busy farming your rapiers, so much so that you just might rq.
Don't make guides here with a view to promote unintended idiocy.
First off, I thought you were trollin. Now I realize you are serious. In this case please learn to play him better. Your build sucks big time . While you make your Daedalus and mjollnir , sensible players will make an aghs refresher combo and go whup your az. Grimorum style.
If you want to play right click, pick a right click hero instead.

And stop your multi posts just to increase the number of comments on your guide.
If you come clean, then I welcome you to the community with a clean slate.

You sure provoked me. I thought you actually were a genuine troll, alas.

Hi Kyphoid,

I like to think most of the comments on my guide deserve a one to one response, and yours is not an exception, regardless of the overall number of comments on this guide.

I'm just trying to say you can have invoker build differently, played it easy, have entry level fun with one of the most complex heroes in the game. I hear what you're saying. Let's play a game together some time and see how you like this right clicker of mine. Would be great if you wanted to support.

KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 13, 2015 7:29am

just played this game, i lost.But I enjoyed it SO much.Just look at the replay if you have the time :)
wangyuphing (9) | January 13, 2015 7:24am

My comment as to someone was legit was directed towards a first time poster who had criticised your build and was about to be flamed by kody,the editor.
Your build is good in low life trench pubs. Don't expect ti run this anywhere else. Inboker right click means you stand in one place. You do not put impetus on spells so you have no defense. So a puck or nyx. Hell even a spirit breaker will kill you and take your rapiers and put them to use in ways that an invoker cant execute.

I can even kill your idiot as squishy invoker mid game by a sniper when you are busy farming your rapiers, so much so that you just might rq.
Don't make guides here with a view to promote unintended idiocy.
First off, I thought you were trollin. Now I realize you are serious. In this case please learn to play him better. Your build sucks big time . While you make your Daedalus and mjollnir , sensible players will make an aghs refresher combo and go whup your az. Grimorum style.
If you want to play right click, pick a right click hero instead.

And stop your multi posts just to increase the number of comments on your guide.
If you come clean, then I welcome you to the community with a clean slate.

You sure provoked me. I thought you actually were a genuine troll, alas.

What about me!! You welcome me?!!
Kyphoid returns (42) | January 13, 2015 6:43am
My comment as to someone was legit was directed towards a first time poster who had criticised your build and was about to be flamed by kody,the editor.
Your build is good in low life trench pubs. Don't expect ti run this anywhere else. Inboker right click means you stand in one place. You do not put impetus on spells so you have no defense. So a puck or nyx. Hell even a spirit breaker will kill you and take your rapiers and put them to use in ways that an invoker cant execute.

I can even kill your idiot as squishy invoker mid game by a sniper when you are busy farming your rapiers, so much so that you just might rq.
Don't make guides here with a view to promote unintended idiocy.
First off, I thought you were trollin. Now I realize you are serious. In this case please learn to play him better. Your build sucks big time . While you make your Daedalus and mjollnir , sensible players will make an aghs refresher combo and go whup your az. Grimorum style.
If you want to play right click, pick a right click hero instead.

And stop your multi posts just to increase the number of comments on your guide.
If you come clean, then I welcome you to the community with a clean slate.

You sure provoked me. I thought you actually were a genuine troll, alas.
CreamDog (2) | January 13, 2015 6:10am
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

holy god of multi-posting.

Ferco, you can always do one big comment rather than a dozen smaller ones :)

We don't judge you on the things that you have done.If you want to join the community, we will accept you ungrudgingly :)

also about the guide,Its not as if it is a bad guide,honestly, it isn't a bad guide.Its just that what you are telling us to do is, not efficient.

Tell me, what would be better, an Invoker being your hard-carry or a Faceless Void being your hard carry?The thing is,Invoker can do so much more..He can solidify the team's early game,he can disable whole teams, unleash his powerful and deadly barrage of spells on the enemy team to devastating effect.

He can scout, support, nuke, hunt, defend, push, carry,hell he is the most versatile hero in the game.

There is nothing,Nothing a team fears more than a competent level 25 invoker.He is a hero limited only by your skill level.

What you are trying to tell us that we should play a right click invoker on the basis of 2 skills only,That kills matter.

Kills don't matter.

You heard it.THEY DON'T MATTER.what matters is that you have contributed enough for your team that now they can carry themselves to victory.

If you gave the same amount of farm that you want in your build to a Faceless Void or Medusa,They would completely destroy the enemy team.

I hope this helps you understand where your guide has fallen off :)

Now that is a comment I can get behind!
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