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5 Votes

Prophet of the forest

February 17, 2012 by Rautaparta
Comments: 4    |    Views: 36958    |   

Wide jungle guide

DotA2 Hero: Nature's Prophet

Hero Skills

Spirit of the Forest (Innate)


4 10 12 14


2 7 8 9

Nature's Call

1 3 5 13

Wrath of Nature

6 11 16


17 18

Prophet of the forest

February 17, 2012

Short explanation

Start with either of the set's that are on the top witch ever you like if you take the gloves of haste you will get the Midas faster. As you might know Midas is the first item to get because it helps you to farm a lot faster.

Then i suggest you get another gloves of haste and then boots and then Start making your scepter. After you got all of those finish your power threads and then start making Orchid.

I usually decide will i make aghanim's scepter or dagon. Scepter will make farming for you even more easier and that is usually the better choice, but if you feel that you want more burst damage then take dagon.

In this point you need to decide will you go for pure damage or will you make your self more durable. If durability is your choice go for shiva's guard. If you want more damage Desolater is what you want.

If the game takes this long you can get daedalus or rapier just to be really mean and laugh a lot. Both of those items makes your attacks stupidly powerful.

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