Prophet - Carry, Ganker, Farmer
May 30, 2012
Go either top or bottom does not really matter you won't be here for long.
Grab Ironwood Branch, cheap and give great stats, get 2 salves and a clarity, skill build could be different if you chose to random.
Just last hit and deny, if possible be a cheeky harasser as well around level three you will be wanting to teleport on the hill about top run and proceed to kill the level 3/4 natural creeps without receiving damage.
Continue to do this teleporting back to lane and then to hill, great money.
Early - Mid game
By now you should have hand of midas and be on your way to phase boots
Throughout the game until around level 11 continue to go to the hill and kill creeps, remembering to use your hand of midas every time it is off cool down.
Justification of phase boots is that they are a great escape tool as well a carry and ganking tool, great item.
Justification of Ulti Stick, Ulti stick will push the lanes back and increase your farming capabilities as well as a bit more durability, continue to use your ultimate whenever it is off cool down.
With proper use of hand of midas, farming and ulti stick at around lvl 16 you should be easily receiving 600 gold a minute (which is good farm)
End Game
From here on continue to get carry items, but if need be get hex or orchid to disable certain heroes it's your choice, but with the amount of money Nature prophet can turn over ever minute nothing is to much to buy, and items will come very quickly.
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