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14 Votes

Prophecy To Victory

November 6, 2012 by Watcher
Comments: 30    |    Views: 32507    |   

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Prophecy (1) | February 18, 2013 3:13pm
This comments section got a little out of hand lol. While I honestly did not enjoy reading your guide, I do know many people like to read a more personalized guide. That being said I personally completely agree with your skill build. Furion is my favorite hero and I've experimented with every way possible. Your skill build is how I play him and have had a ton of success. Depending on how the lanes are looking I'll sometimes level Nature's Call at level 3 and wait for sprout at 4, and I also don't level sprout or Nature's Call past level 2 until i'm forced to. I'm not saying this is a great build for high level games, but for low-mid level it is a very viable pub stomp build that is a lot of fun.

Now as far as items go.....I really dont like your guide. Quelling blade on any range hero unless your going against a Furion is a nono. I did read your explanation, but a very situational escape mechanism is not worth a slower start. RoB + 2 Clarity is the only way to go for this build IMO. That extra mana and armor is the difference in your jungle sustain + heavy ganking that you are looking to do.

*Hand of Midas needs to be picked up as early as possible. Not only for the gold as people have mentioned but it helps you level faster as well with the 2.5x experience. My rule of thumb is usually if I dont have it by 10 min. I dont get it. If you use it every second it comes up it takes close to 15 min to pay for itself. With 1-2 ganks early though u can easily get it by 6 min.

*Boots aren't even needed before Midas, and as far as boots go I believe Power Treads the only way to go. I mean I guess Phase gives you mobility, but a well place teleport and you shouldn't really have to move considering Sprout has a pretty good range. But that being said, your boots are not that imperative to get early.

*Deso-Orchid- the only way to go with this build. No complaints here...obviously sometimes switching the order bought is beneficial but you know this. After that its pick your poison. Maybe add situational DPS carry build with a crit stick next just because many times by 25 min you can have RoB, treads, midas, orchid, and deso. If you do have this you are probably trucking and can just have some fun porting in and killing 1-2 heroes that wander off by themselves trying to farm.

That's my 2 cents. Overall I like your concept build because it is like mine, and meant to be very very aggressive. I honestly think I have an 80% win rate with this basic build and can't even remember a game that I lost in which it wasn't somebody feeding horribly or Disconnecting. I'll +rep, but I'd just like to say keep in mind that some people don't take your aggressive way of expressing yourself well. And it would just benefit to turn the other cheek when you don't like what somebody has to say. Makes you and the other person look childish and reflects badly on your guide as well. Hope you will consider my comments as they were with the best intent.
xCO2 (72) | January 24, 2013 11:01am
SuperNova wrote:

why do you have so many exclamation marks, i can just imagine your basement-dwelling neckbeard self yelling at his PC while his quiverfat jiggles in butthurt rage. That probably isnt you but thats the impression im getting, listen to hades and all other editors/veterans/moderators. they know what they're doing and they're just doing their job.

I don't encourage this, just cause someone is ranked on the site doesn't mean they know more then other users. You can simply gain rank by being friendly or helpful, not being a good player.
Zrog (1) | January 24, 2013 10:22am
I must add that I had to stop reading your comment-rebuttal because of all the question marks. It was very annoying to read. Other than that, I can see where you are going with the guide.
Capacious Maxis (3) | November 23, 2012 7:33am
The instructions to Nature's Prophet in your text is accurate and a good mindset to play him as; however, the item and skill build is not optimal.

Leaving Sprout out until late game to max it is acceptable; the extra duration is not needed.
Maxing Nature's Call is vital, as each extra tree makes your jungling phase go on easier and adds an additional damage sponge when you're pushing towers.

The Quelling Blade would be good on melee heroes, but alas, Prophet is a ranged hero who gets a nerfed damage increase from it. The 12% increase would only yield a 5.4-7.08 damage increase, whereas a starting Ring of Basilius would not only give 6 damage, but more armor to your trees and increased mana regen so you can make less Teleports back to fountain (something you should be avoiding).

Phase Boots are not needed for Prophet; if he needs to chase targets, he should be TPing to intercept their path. He hits hard enough with autoattacks that Power Treads are better for him, giving him valuable HP early game (on strength) and attack speed, something a hero with no damaging spells excluding Wrath of Nature need to increase his overall DPS.
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 7, 2012 11:25pm
It seems my post didn't help... EVERYONE STOP ARGUING!!!
OneHalf (10) | November 7, 2012 11:19pm
Hades4u wrote:


I don't see why you're complaining about me, you're a bad member of the community, you're a bad DotA player, your grammar is horrible and you aren't useful to anyone.

If you don't like me, please leave.

That's a bit harsh. Considering you have a ~49% winrate I don't really think you should be calling other people bad DotA players and saying they're a bad member of the community? Well that's just plain hypocrisy.

I hope one day you learn to play nice :)
Glayde (13) | November 7, 2012 11:15pm
I think everyone here should just go out, clear their heads, and chill out. No need for arguments guys, please. :\
Watcher (5) | November 7, 2012 5:58am
Hades4u wrote:


I don't see why you're complaining about me, you're a bad member of the community, you're a bad DotA player, your grammar is horrible and you aren't useful to anyone.

If you don't like me, please leave.


I don't see your problem either, this is one of the first guides I ever down voted, I really do not like it.
I always up vote guides I like and I post suggestions to improve it. That's why the comment section is here. For feedback.

If someone doesn't agree with you, it doesn't mean he's a bad person, it means you are different.

Stop being childish when you hear the truth, it's pathetic.

Also, about Purge, he isn't a professional player, that's just his reputation for some reason. And if Purge does it, it doesn't mean it's the best option.

look even though i see already destroyed Hades4u arguments! (she/he cant tell cause of the picture) is entitled to his opinion. so if am cool with him/her then lets just leave that be! I just want people to stop focusing on the items and the skill order (to be honest those things will vary heavily based on what you are against and what purpose you are playing for your comp/ any experienced player will know this.) This is for people just starting off or mid range, i just wanted to lay out concepts on how you should be thinking as your playing! aka wards, map awareness, ganking concept, and overall roll as a ganker/pusher.
Hades4u (296) | November 7, 2012 5:01am

I don't see why you're complaining about me, you're a bad member of the community, you're a bad DotA player, your grammar is horrible and you aren't useful to anyone.

If you don't like me, please leave.


I don't see your problem either, this is one of the first guides I ever down voted, I really do not like it.
I always up vote guides I like and I post suggestions to improve it. That's why the comment section is here. For feedback.

If someone doesn't agree with you, it doesn't mean he's a bad person, it means you are different.

Stop being childish when you hear the truth, it's pathetic.

Also, about Purge, he isn't a professional player, that's just his reputation for some reason. And if Purge does it, it doesn't mean it's the best option.
SuperNova (16) | November 7, 2012 3:49am
LiLPr0 wrote:

Purge gets phase boots on prophet and I heard purge > that wisp that stacks with a tiny guy

you really dont need the movespeed when you teleport, just because purge does it doesnt mean everyone has to, the wisp tiny stack guy isnt great, there i admitted it.
LiLPr0 (9) | November 7, 2012 3:03am
Hades4u wrote:

You shouldn't get Phase Boots, you do not need the damage or the movement speed bonus, you'll always keep them in place with Sprout. Instead, you can get Power Treads, since you need the stats and the attack speed.

Purge gets phase boots on prophet and I heard purge > that wisp that stacks with a tiny guy
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