Pro guide to SUPPORT Shadow Feend
March 18, 2015
Many people play shadow feend as a mid or safelane farmer but im here to tell you they've got it all WRONG. He's actually a hard support, you should see what the pros do!
The items
The main item progression is just like any support build. Shadow Feend support usually gets more kills than shadow feend carry so you need to get at least 1 divine rapier late game and that is why u need aigas. Ignore what everyone tells you about how you still drop the divine rapier even when you have aigas because they're wrong! The radiance is quite casual. If your not getting enough gold as a support you should always go for a radiance. The vlads is not for you but for your team so they get life steal, even if your team is all ranged still get it though because it makes your entire team very tanky. The force staff and euls are core on every hero so im sure you are familiar with those by now but suprisingly shadow feend doesnt always need to get them.
Skill Build
Necromastery is completely **** lets face it. I dont get what it is with you guys getting it level 1 but that is SO STUPID! Presence of the dark lord is by far the best ability in the game! Also, whats with this skilling his ult a level 10? Thats really weird. Always skill everyones ult at level 5!
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