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Pounce is OP: A Slark Guide done right

August 29, 2014 by AzraelAngelOfDeath
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Pounce is OP

DotA2 Hero: Slark

Hero Skills

Barracuda (Innate)

Dark Pact

4 8 9 10


1 3 5 7

Essence Shift

2 12 13 14

Shadow Dance

6 11 16


15 17 18

Pounce is OP: A Slark Guide done right

August 29, 2014


Pounce is Slark's best ability. It is an escape, an initiator, a nuke, and sortof a disable. The purpose of this guide is to create an unkillable monstrous roamer that kills within the leash duration of pounce. If you follow this guide right, you can be 26-0 beyond godlike in no time. Its a pretty specific guide, so follow it closely.

Early Game

Take the safe lane and be with a support, preferably disabler. Don't be with a carry who will get in the way of your gold. You need gold as fast as possible to pump out your core items, and to do that you will last hit every creep in every wave.

Early on you need to scare off the enemy heroes, let them push a bit until you become level 2 and have essence shift, then pounce and **** them up. If you do it right, they run, then you have space to farm properly.

Slark's basic stats suck balls, so you need your starting branches to keep you alive when scaring those guys off. Don't be reckless or try too hard for first blood or early kills, you will die

When farming, don't be a noob and auto-attack. You get all the last hits, only the last hits. Get early game items and treads before level 6. Your starting heal items should be used before this. Shadow Dance gets rid of all need for healing items. If all goes well you have boots, orb, essence shift, a few levels in pounce, and a good support. Now you will wait for them to push, then pounce and kill while they run (but are leashed lol) Basically, orb, leash, and boots let you chase down those ****ers and keep them low level and weak.

Don't use too much mana either. Pounce is THE ability. Wait for them to push, then attack. Don't initiate with pounce, attack and then pounce and pact while the run. Pact is somewhat annoying, because damages self and uses mana, which Slark does not have a lot of. Since you don't want to waste space and money with mana items, be careful. You should try to always have enough to Shadow Dance and get out of a sticky situation, such as pouncing a low health enemy near a tower or the enemy team. General rule is 1 pounce + 1 pact = certain kill, but that uses too much mana, so for the sake of your safety, only use pact for early kils. Once pounce is level 3-4 and has low cooldown, you may need to use it to chase fleeing enemies until you have sange and/or skull basher.


Level 8, or maybe 6 if you got a few early kills, you have power treads and maybe yasha. Push a bit so they wont notice you leaving, then go mid and unleash all your fury: pounce,dark pact, whatever. Then go to the hard lane and wait for your allies to hurt someone a bit, then pounce out of nowhere and kick their ***. Trilane for a bit or go back to mid. If you don't get these kills or already have 2-4 kills by now, you've started wrong. Go back and lane, get more money till you have core. Slark lives and breathes on skull basher and sange and yasha. If you do get these kills, good job, you may now call yourself Slark.

Mid and late game roaming you will be that guy who hunts down lone heroes, unless you have riki or bounty or someone better suited. Slark is pretty bad in teamfights so you NEED that early game level advantage to control the game and get your survivability up with eye of skadi and abyssal blade late game.

Late Game

By now, it should be obvious what to do. You should already be the beyond godlike monster roamer that everyone fears. They will stay in their base and wet their pants at the thought of going through the jungle and having Slark come flying at them. You are first to level 25 if the game lasts that long, and have Daedalus and Skadi and Abyssal and Butterfly and all that good stuff. Tah-dah you win.


Get a good start = you win
You are a carry. Get your gold.
You are a roamer. Hunt them to extinction.
You are Slark. Shiv them.
Use your mana wisely.
Ultimate Slark goal: Kill within pounce leash duration. (Need skull basher for this)

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