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79 Votes

Playing the Scales (ANTI alt-tab)

June 23, 2013 by Sp12
Comments: 26    |    Views: 591981    |   

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Ymir Bot | November 4, 2015 3:54pm
Recently starting playing DK, love the guide, got some nice flair in here :) +1
Rickk | May 27, 2015 8:10am
+1 This guide is very useful
ArchangelX777 | January 16, 2015 5:57am
Great Guide. Really brings out the depth in Dota. Would be awesome to see a guide about Templar Assasin from you. +1
kaelohare | July 23, 2013 6:44pm
So much detail, but so easy and enjoyable to read! Thanks for a great guide!
mnoi (2) | June 1, 2013 10:34pm
The pipe build is a really old build, maybe put it as the second or third build. Well done otherwise +1
Alexias | May 31, 2013 12:05pm
Chicken here wrote:

Never really know there ia a lot of ways to play DK. +1

Now you say it, there are. Normally people would go and follow this guide but for me I do thing a bit.....different. I use arcane boots instead of power treads since treads really bars my gameplay with DK. Treads doesn't give me enough mana everytime I engaged in teamfights and/or pushing. Note that DK has a very low mana capacity. It's either arcane boots or a mana regen, though I choose arcane boots nowadays, since I'm more of a teamplayer, I like helping my teammates rather than making myself stronger, since most of the time my teammates are also heavy reliant in their skills, like myself. And it increases teamwork as they usually return the favor, especially fellow disablers or continuous skill users like Drow Ranger.(besides, treads almost always gets me killed, as per my experience back then when I was still starting to use DK, since I'm a reckless noob back then who likes to rush things even with low health.) Other than that, I use a mix of every build.(my core items are as follows: arcane boots, shadow blade, blade mail. Other damage or strengthening items are in my optional list. I adjust depending on how well I did during early game and the enemies itself.) Okay, some of you may disagree but please, everyone's different, and I haven't mentioned yet that I'm in the minority of the Dota players. I usually prefer to play by my nature.(and that nature is separating myself from the majority of the people, and that is the use of Power Treads.) And by the way, back then I suck at LH(last hitting). Now I can do well at LH.(my only problem at that time is that I can't monitor the creep's life[pressing alt is a hassle and I didn't know at that time that there was an option in in the Warcraft 3 menu, coupled with the skill's hotkey that makes me suck at playing. Now in Dota 2, the health bar is always shown and the skill hotkeys are in the convinient buttons(Q,W,E,R) Same goes with the item hotkeys.) Now sometimes I give the kill to my allied heroes.(although I still suck at LHing enemy heroes when ganking, except in one-on-one's's one-on-one. Now this problem is a very personal problem. I suck at timing at times. And sometimes my allies hit faster than I hit them with a skill.) So overall, that's my usual gameplay in DK and some other heroes(of course only that depends on the hero I'm using. like I don't really need Shadow Blade on Windrunner because she's a natural escape type due to her 3rd skill, though I recently started using Shadow amulet on her, and being a support, she doesn't tank, so why use defensive items like Blade Mail if you can focus more on increasing you damage output and let the carries and durables do their work?) Overall, that's how I play.(seems I went slightly off-topic there, and...........WHY ARE MY COMMENTS WHEN IT COMES TO EXPLAINING STUFF ALWAYS GO 1 PARAGRAPH OR LONGER?!)
xCO2 (72) | February 24, 2013 11:10am
alexan1308 wrote:

I tried the pinoy playstyle and I failed.

Please do not go around telling people not to use a guide because you tried it once and it didn't work out for you. The loss was due to incompetence, not the guide. Lion isn't even one of the heroes that disrupts DK's laning, if you can't out farm a Lion with an AoE nuke, then there is something wrong.

Next time think before you comment, instead of blaming the author, tell them the dilemma and ask what went wrong and what you could do to better it. Luckily enough SP12 took the time to correct your problem instead of flaming you for whining instead of giving criticism.
Sp12 (25) | February 24, 2013 7:32am
Did you blame your team? Anyhow, Lion is a pretty good mid vs. melees but you should be able to just stand back, bottle courier, and last hit with dragon's breath. He only has ~70 damage, there's no way for him to deny you last hitting with a ~300 damage nuke. He can't outpush you with dragon's breath either so you should get most/all of the runes of the runes, and once you get level 6 he can't stand and trade with you. When he left mid to gank you should react by taking his tower with dragon form and breathe fire spam.
alexan1308 | February 24, 2013 5:05am
I tried the pinoy playstyle and it failed.I was up against Lion mid and it failed horribly, he kept stealing my mana,stunning and killing me with his finger of death, there was nothing i could do, he denied me gold which denied me items i needed for push. I didn't get thread until like 17:00. I know most people wont have to meet a hero like lion mid, but still i feel like maybe going for dragon knight mid can turn out disastrous. So people please don't pick pinoy. You would do much bette with death prophet or lich, you wont be that powerful, but damn you will shut down mids xp and gold. You will mos likely own whoever you are playing against and if you buy an early courier you can just get a bunch of TP scrolls and help bot and top gank and push.
JVlurray | February 14, 2013 6:33pm
I was searching for a good build and I found yours, tested it and was really efiicient. Good build. +1
Sp12 (25) | February 5, 2013 5:48pm
Thanks for the comment, I certainly like my guides :P

I play about 70-80% of my games in Dota 1 so it's pretty incomplete, but you can have my Dotabuff profile, though I've had my account on private since we got that option.
SilkyCoolDog | February 4, 2013 2:24pm
Few things
1. I always look for the (ANTI alt-tab) guides because they're always great.
2. I would love to see you post your games on Dotabuff because it would be a great addition to your guides if viewers were able to look up your games to see your success.
3. I would love to play a game with you. My username is Silky (with the picture of Kate Upton.) Send me a message.
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