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I've browsed around and can't seem to find a list of Heroes that would qualify as a Ganker. Would it be possible to get one here? I'm new to the game. wow is there a lot to learn.
Thanks in advance for any help
^^ hey man welcome to the site :) if you need any help just ask.
in regards to your question.
this is a guide written by all of us here at dotafire. (mostly me and fleetAU but :P)
hopefully it helps you. it has a tier system for gankers and has a great explanation for you.
Thanks in advance for any help
Fast levels definitely are vital for most gankers as they usually make your abilities/damage/stun time so much better - same with trying to get ultimates quickly, for some heroes it can make a massive difference.
You won't get money, you probably won't level quickly - but the point of this technique - 'is neither will they' whereas, your 'laners' will generally have better farm and control.
My point being, and this maybe a bit advance for a basic guide - is a good set of gankers, (2-3 heroes) control the tempo of the game. some games result in really quick levels, others just mean slow dragged out lane phase - and that's the idea. play to what game style will suit you.
This is more suited to dota 1, as d2 is still in the push meta. As a ganker I would hit level 6, whereas Mid & solo lane carry is at 9/10 already. These tend to be heroes like, sand king, tide, WD, rhasta <- aweseome ganker, lion, lina, Ogre magi. etc. no laning, 1st blood at level 1, and roaming/dewarding/smoke from there..
either way, the points here are solid +1
Another amazing guide by you, Sando, +1, I am pleased :).