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130 Votes

Playing Furion as an annoying piece of crap (7.06)

August 27, 2017 by Untech
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Mystikal | January 14, 2017 10:23am
Doesnt explain what to do if the enemy pushes out their lanes before commiting to a push. Basically a low mmr guide that might or might not work depending on how bad the enemy is.
Byte_Me | January 12, 2017 8:22am
magicmat (1) | August 22, 2016 7:15am
Just one request to all of u who read this guide: Plz dont play NP in lower MMR range. Most of the time its a pain for your teammates to play 4 vs 5 and if you are not able to split push well at the right time.
kianmir | February 9, 2016 12:26pm
i think going the standard "cliff" way of farming is a lot safer, and more efficient! you dont even need to worry about ganks by random supps, your health is always pretty high, and if they come there, TP AWAY!
i usually get a 8 min midas and then get deso after, then i get Shadow Blade and then i push towers like crazy IF they dont TP there, otherwise i Tp to another lane and the other people on that team TP there and...yea, i can say pusher NP wasnt very successful, as it attracts too much attention, while your allies, instead of pushing other lanes are farming, IMO, going carry NP is also a bit dumb, cuz' most carries are ranged, and your best chances to survive vs carries IS sprout, and pretty much no carry falls pray to that, anti-mage and spectre and faceless void just get out of it, and ranged heroes pretty much out-DPS you always, support NP is REALLY DUMB, THATS IF, you dont name him support-pusher, like shadow-shaman, however, i think his job is to deal some big damage to towers WITH items, not with serpent wards and with a pugna's Q, no! its your job to bring towers down WITHOUT a lot of additional abilites, treants arent THAT core for your pushing, its just... for TANKING, not for bringing the tower down, other than that, i saw no probs on the guide, also, using Tp scroll and then using Teleportationto return doesnt hurt, as you dont need to use your Teleportation every second. hope to see you playing Nature's Prophet soon!
InfuriatedBrute (2) | December 1, 2015 7:28pm
Hey, Untech, maybe you should take a look at Octarine Core furion.

It allows you to perma-sprout enemies, since the cooldown becomes equal to the duration. And the cooldown reduction on everything else ain't bad either, nor are the passive stats and massive heal if you use your ult mid-fight. It's the same cost as a necro 3 and probably not as strong for pushing, but it's much more versatile.

Fire309 wrote:

Why do we need so many Clarity's at all? You can just use Teleportation to TP back to base, then grab a Town Portal Scroll to tp back. Or get a Town Portal Scroll first.

That's a great point now that Town Portal scrolls are down to 75 gold (from 100).

But still, using that strategy puts Teleportation on cooldown, so clarities could be better in some cases.
Fire309 (2) | November 30, 2015 6:54pm
Why do we need so many Clarity's at all? You can just use Teleportation to TP back to base, then grab a Town Portal Scroll to tp back. Or get a Town Portal Scroll first.
goink | November 5, 2015 11:22pm
Midas and lothar? This build is reason furion has such a horrible winrate
Proctodinia | October 26, 2015 12:13pm
What do you think of soul ring rush? Start with recipie and sage's mask and buy the ring of regen as soon as you have the money. This allows you to spam nature's call without worring about mana... after that you go midas, pt and whatever you want.

Nice guide btw... +1
magicmat (1) | October 9, 2015 4:41am
Are these information and strategy in this guide still correct? I mean it was wrote in 2013 and like many guides too, you don't know how much is updated.
Blubbles (13) | November 7, 2014 4:56pm
You should add that Timbersaw is really annoying since he can use your own Sprout against you.
loliloud | August 6, 2013 10:43pm
Great guide i really learnt something here :D
Can we have in-depth explaination about how the ultimate works and bounces ?
soyacan (1) | May 6, 2013 9:07pm
+1 looks kinda standard but unique. Will try
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