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12 Votes

Play Huskar Like This

December 17, 2012 by Raiden
Comments: 14    |    Views: 9297    |   

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JfTD | October 11, 2012 6:27am
Max Burning Spear first!
BrindunT (1) | September 29, 2012 9:09am
it looks ok but id change BoT to pt or phase because the it has better ratio money=power
SuperOssimMan (2) | August 30, 2012 2:29am
even so if I'm well fed I would build other items instead of BoT
SuperOssimMan (2) | August 30, 2012 2:27am
I guess if you were being well fed during the match BoT isn't too bad, it gives a better capacity to chase and basically an infinite tp to stop any opponent trying to pull a fast one and trying to solo push a lane while your entire team is at another.
Jonathan Hancock (2) | August 13, 2012 10:15pm
oh god i can't stop laughing.

I've seen a couple of low priority people defending this build, they tell their buddies that they are too passive while they heal for 11 per second hp with a level 2 heal.

4 hits = 20 Damage a second for 4 seconds that 310 damage with 4 hits, at only level 1!.
SalsaShark | August 13, 2012 6:32pm
I don't think you leveled Spears enough
Glayde (13) | August 12, 2012 2:09am
The build and skill orders seem okay, although I'd prefer maxing your burning spear before stats. But there is no explanation for anything :\
Raiden | August 12, 2012 12:05am
hey guys sorry for the scepter i change it to mordigan and halberd
Numeta (27) | August 11, 2012 10:51pm
Aghs? No armlet or halberd? good luck
xCO2 (72) | August 11, 2012 9:17pm
Starbucks 64 wrote:

Maxing heal second is a terrible idea. Also there are better items for husk than boots of travel and scepter.

Look at the guide "How to play Huskar properly", use it, then edit your comment here.

I agree on the BoT though, either phase or treads.
Starbucks 64 (3) | August 11, 2012 8:10am
Maxing heal second is a terrible idea. Also there are better items for husk than boots of travel and scepter.
Chini | August 11, 2012 7:50am
hey his not trying to troll us..... the guide is very effective.....
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