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3 Votes

Plague Farmer | Necrolyte Dual/Solo | Updated for v6.76

October 21, 2012 by CountryClubAntics
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CountryClubAntics (2) | September 28, 2012 4:10am
Atlas wrote:

He has a scythe. Scythes are traditionally used for farming (specifically cutting down and harvesting wheat), that is the context of the joke.

Atlas got it, and also if you go solo lane you better be farming. When there arent any team fights finding empty lanes to farm is good, and even the jungle with sadist maxed. Not saying you should deny your harder carries farm but you should be getting a substantial amount. As this guide focuses more on the semi carry - support role of necrolyte with a touch of tankyness, slightly similar to a death prophet with more damage and utility and less tower pushing. the idea behind the name was to show this is a guide with a more farming side of necro, as well as he farms with a scythe that shoots plague, uses a ability to farm that also projects the plague and it overall goes with his theme
Atlas (117) | September 27, 2012 6:35pm
wilddeonpwn wrote:

Ou lol I get it now. Wait wasn't it a Hoe?

Hoes are more gardening and used to till the dirt. Scythes are for actually harvesting the crop.
Atlas (117) | September 27, 2012 5:59pm
wilddeonpwn wrote:

Random Thing: He's not really a Plague "Farmer" (He doesn't farm)

He has a scythe. Scythes are traditionally used for farming (specifically cutting down and harvesting wheat), that is the context of the joke.
wilddeonpwn (102) | September 27, 2012 5:26pm
Random Thing: He's not really a Plague "Farmer" (He doesn't farm)
CountryClubAntics (2) | September 27, 2012 1:05pm
It might be a good pick up getting a few levels if you are going up against someone like lifestealer or a pudge in mid. But in Mid game the only times you would be close enough to these heroes to proc the hp removal would be for engagements that dont go on for very long. Early game Necro's Q and E need to be leveled asap so he can farm and do significant damage in the early game, late game The stats are more important for the strength/HP gain as well as the Intell/MANA gain. If you are going up against a team of mostly strength heroes and you need the damage, I would pick it up. So I would say its a situational pick up leveling it earlier insted of stats
Wulfstan (77) | September 27, 2012 7:55am
Why do you max the aura so late?Its very good against beefy enemies because it is based on HP Removal and not any kind of damage(means that magic immune units-like Lifestealer, Black King Bar lovers still get damaged).
CountryClubAntics (2) | September 26, 2012 3:32pm
Im planning on adding to the guide as I go on, so expect to see more
CountryClubAntics (2) | September 26, 2012 3:47am
That is a good point, I would think of it more as a preference pick. Since at level one it only heals 50 hp and you dont need it for last hits (as you shouldn't really be getting much at all when your carry is in lane) But thanks for bringing that up. I'd think about picking it up at level one if no wards are up near your lane, and I wouldn't even skill either untill you are sure

Done and done, I'm really new to this whole thing and it was a mess up on my behalf, thanks to you too
reswob | September 26, 2012 3:36am
i wish me the q spell at lvl 1 at skill build 2 like build 1, not aura first, if ur carry or lane partner get ganked that heal can be GOD ;9
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