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7 Votes

PiNG- Yunero Juggernaut Build

December 2, 2011 by PiNG-
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Atlas (117) | June 9, 2012 7:01am
Xenasis wrote:

Irrelevant when you cannot auto attack during it. It obviously isn't core, but situational if they do have some dangerous CC.

You can auto-attack during the spin. It doesn't show an attack animation, but it does spin damage + your attack. Having a BKB on jugg is still good though, even if you have one built in. If the enemy team is going to nuke you down right after your q is off CD, BKB can still be helpful.
Xenasis (11) | June 9, 2012 6:46am
Why this is so low voted I'll never know. I'd take my crit at 8 myself but that's just me I guess.


BKB = wasted item slot. Your Q is a BKB with a 20 sec cooldown

Irrelevant when you cannot auto attack during it. It obviously isn't core, but situational if they do have some dangerous CC.

HamSandwich wrote:

Aghs + Refresher = 2 wasted item slots.

Refresher, I'd agree. Agh's is actually really strong on him though. 33% more damage on his (already strong) ult (turning it into even more of a team fight maker), a decent amount of bulk, and of course some damage thrown in there.
TonyJ#237828 | June 9, 2012 3:25am
BKB = wasted item slot. Your Q is a BKB with a 20 sec cooldown
HamSandwich (34) | January 17, 2012 7:42am
Aghs + Refresher = 2 wasted item slots.
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