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Phoenix - You're gonna kill me: Be resurrected, I'll kill you: You will not be resurrected- Build

February 12, 2013 by kipo42 - Kodi98
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Phoenix - I am Immortal! - Build

DotA2 Hero: Phoenix

Hero Skills

Blinding Sun (Innate)

Icarus Dive

1 3 7 8

Fire Spirits

2 4 9 10

Sun Ray

5 12 13 14


6 11 16


15 17 18

Phoenix - You're gonna kill me: Be resurrected, I'll kill you: You will not be resurrected- Build

kipo42 - Kodi98
February 12, 2013

Introduction, Pros and cons

Phoenix is ​​a powerful character, and good spell caster. But... but many do not use the skills of your life.
Ulti? Supernova! Life is fully reborn! Man too! The waiting time for skills (except ulti) is refreshed!

Spell Caster
It does not use mana
Ulti very useful to the ends of TF

Uses of life as many
You have to have some big regenerate hit points
Good after the middle where (if large regeneration life points)

Best allies

Phoenix writes a personal best support act (Dazzle or Wisp). It is also important to play with someone who melee attacks such as having someone have a greater likelihood that you kill him
When someone flees Use Q
When someone attacks from a distance (such as drow ranger) Use W
To heal your ally use E or when you want someone to strike and he's not moving.
Use ulti only when you have low hp or you heroically attacks the opponent and has advantage because it ganker (preferably Tiny)

Worst enemies

The biggest opponents:
Virtually all emanated from a distance and Punge
Even so, try to keep it Tiny as far away from each other.

Counter pick to Phoenix to: Antimag, Outworld Devover (especially his Ulti is dangerous because you have a low intelligence level.)

Early game

In the early game, do not try to harras. Because not only are you taking the HP but also themselves. Dumb idea.
Do not buy Boots of Speed ​​earlier than mid game, because not useful one.
Just hit minions!

Mid Game

At Mid Game harras only try when you have about 6 hp regen. Otherwise, ask your Skill will be more to you than others.
Farm to minions. If a TF will try to help from afar. If you do not safe for someone to enter your team in the middle and use the Ulti. If you die, the next time you do it from afar. If not, this is the team noobs, and you can try it all the time.
If your HP regeneration finally will throw you a great skill on the left and right. Hardly what you are asking. And your enemies quite a lot: 3

Late game

Harras. Harras, Harras more! Destroy them with skills! Do not worry about your HP. Will be large. The mane also do not worry. Hardly what you use it. In this step should be strong enough already eat.

--- Why do you need a items ---


[*] Healing Potion: The HP regeneration. It will be useful to anyone as a hero.

[*] Tango: Take two pieces. Useful.

Early Game:

[*] Ring of Regen: In conjunction with Boots of Speed ​​will give you a very good pair of shoes that not only that they are very fast to even regenerate HP.

[*] Boots of Speed: Up to combine. And by the way the speed of movement.

[*] Helm of Iron Will: Gives armor hitpoints and regeneration. Useful forever.

Mid Game:

[*] Ring of Health: HP Regeneration +5. To connect to Vanguard.

[*] Vitaly Booster: Additional 250 HP. To connect to Vanguard.

[*] Stout Shield: Protection. To connect to Vanguard.

[*] Headdress: HP Regeneration Aura. To connect the Mekanism.

[*] Chainmail: Armor. To connect the Bukler - then Mekansm

[*] Iron Branch: To call Buckler.


[*] AotI: Additional life.

[*] Heart of Tarrasque: Wildlife and HP regeneration.

[*] Shadow Blade: Invisibility + DMG

[*] Soul Booster: Additional HP, Mana and regeneration of both.

[*] Bloodstone: HP Regeneration.

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