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Mirana Jungle is an unusual and unexpected play for Mirana which gives you a lot of early game roaming advantage. You are easily able to support your Mid or safe lane to help counter gank or set up your own ganks.
At the same time, your primary goal is to farm fast and efficiently, aiming for high damage in as little time as possible. that said, this is more of a right clickers build, but it is one that can be very flexible according to what you are lined up against.
your starting items for this build are
2 Slippers of Agility
1 Quelling Blade
1 Fairy Fire
1 Clarity
The slipper will be upgraded into an aquila and wraithband
the quelling blade is used to cut down trees for vision of hard and medium camps, so that you can attack from up hill and avoid taking damage.
you will need to keep topped up with clarity pots as you go, especially if you are ganking during the farming.
Using Sacred arrow to kill the largest creep of the hard camp and right clicking the others down, you will clear the hard camp in time for it to respawn at the 1 minute mark, repeat the procedure then move to the medium camp, don't waste an arrow here, just right click them down, collect bounty runes at every possibility, try to time your rotation so that you are at the nearest camp to the bounty to collect right away and continue farming
So now that you have the aquila and wraith band your farming of the jungle will speed up considerably.
after the Aquila and wraith band your next goal is to farm for a Hand of Midas as soon as possible. This is usually with in 10 minutes but may take as long as 12 if you have not been successful in stacking camps while you farm/gank.
After hand it is straight into getting your boots of speed (remember to keep getting your early clarity pots at this stage, I usually have at least 1 sent out with the Aquilla and wraith band.)
By this point you should have had enough farm to to add Power treads and the Diffusal Blade to your build. Tread switching will help with your arrows and diffusal will help with your ganks, land the arrow, leap, starfall, difuasal as the stun comes to an end and right click them down, the enhanced attack speed for your leap and the length of stun for a well placed long shot arrow will nuke down most in a couple of seconds flat.
Next you want to get the aghs, this will help with your lane pushing as well as those awesome ganks that you will be setting up. to keep with the right clicking build, get desolator and mkb. As always, buy a BKB because you will always be right in the middle of the fights.
Things to be careful of with this build is blade mail you are putting out so much damage that you will only succeed in nuking your self down if you do not pay attention to the pick ups and the stun duration of your arrows. As soon as you have used hand of midas, swap it out for your bkb
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