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7 Votes

Phoenix - Rise from the Ashes

June 10, 2014 by Zerak Kyria
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Zerak Kyria (8) | June 10, 2014 4:31pm
HalFiendElf wrote:

also, magnus should be on friend list because pheonix ult makes people clump up...
nuff said

will do and added.
HalFiendElf | June 6, 2014 10:05pm
also, magnus should be on friend list because pheonix ult makes people clump up...
nuff said
Moodkill (9) | March 24, 2014 8:55am
Nice guide, +1. Personally I hate heroes with insane attack speed like Troll Warlord or Ursa that destroys your ultimate D;.
Zerak Kyria (8) | February 18, 2014 10:25am
Sunabonzu wrote:

Or 25% of current hp cost per use, if you guys noticed the change from the old beam (HP loss over time instead of direct lump sum of hp loss).

I did notice this, that why I put heart in almost every build, simply because it saves your health from dropping to dangerous levels.
Sunabonzu | February 17, 2014 6:17pm
LadyAries wrote:

Sun Ray isn't based on your Max HP. It's based on your opponent's max HP.

"Drawing from his own inner fire, Phoenix expels a huge beam of light at the cost of his own life energy. (The beam damages enemies for a percentage of THEIR life and heals allies for half the amount.) Damage scales up to twice the initial damage as the beam fires. Costs 6% of current health per second."

Or 25% of current hp cost per use, if you guys noticed the change from the old beam (HP loss over time instead of direct lump sum of hp loss).
LadyAries | February 17, 2014 3:01am
Zerak Kyria wrote:

Wow, I never noticed. Thanks for pointing that out for me and I shall fix that error asap.

Don't worry about it. I thought the same thing for a while too. lol
Zerak Kyria (8) | February 16, 2014 10:11pm
LadyAries wrote:

Sun Ray isn't based on your Max HP. It's based on your opponent's max HP.

"Drawing from his own inner fire, Phoenix expels a huge beam of light at the cost of his own life energy. (The beam damages enemies for a percentage of THEIR life and heals allies for half the amount.) Damage scales up to twice the initial damage as the beam fires. Costs 6% of current health per second."

Wow, I never noticed. Thanks for pointing that out for me and I shall fix that error asap.
LadyAries | February 16, 2014 6:17pm
Sun Ray isn't based on your Max HP. It's based on your opponent's max HP.

"Drawing from his own inner fire, Phoenix expels a huge beam of light at the cost of his own life energy. (The beam damages enemies for a percentage of THEIR life and heals allies for half the amount.) Damage scales up to twice the initial damage as the beam fires. Costs 6% of current health per second."
Zerak Kyria (8) | February 14, 2014 9:54pm
Shutters wrote:

+1. I never considered a Soul Ring myself. Personally I think there are better options as Phoenix with proper mana management will rarely NOT have 200 mana to burn, but it's a good trinket if you love to spam!

I agree with you about the Soul Ring, however it is a nice cheap way of getting early mana and hp regen to me and it helps you use your ult when the most unlikely situation arrives. And I agree again you shouldn't need to burn 200 mana ever as Phoenix but I have found myself once or twice after doing a massive push with no mana to ult with so it has helped.
Shutters (2) | February 14, 2014 2:52pm
+1. I never considered a Soul Ring myself. Personally I think there are better options as Phoenix with proper mana management will rarely NOT have 200 mana to burn, but it's a good trinket if you love to spam!
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