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phoenix burst on the way

November 13, 2016 by hatakems
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semy carry - hard carry counter

DotA2 Hero: Phoenix

Hero Skills

Blinding Sun (Innate)

Icarus Dive

1 4 17 18

Fire Spirits

2 3 5 7

Sun Ray

8 9 10 12


6 11 16


13 14 15

phoenix burst on the way

November 13, 2016


esentially phoenix is a strengh hero that depends on his almost perfect scape and his mana pool (you need to have this close to full all the time to be ok)

it's burst skills really hurts almost slowing down enemy attack speed (really so much), move speed and stunning through bkb.

it is well known cause of his healing, pure damaging long shoot (1300 points of healing raw damage) yes, laser goes through bkb

talking about distance, fire spirits go far away than sniper maximun range

EVEN BETTER you can mix almost all your skills at the same time

pros and conts

2 ways of scape that litterally can go out of the map
2 burning skills that fully upgraded are dangerous than huskar burn
slow enemies,heal allies, pure damage to enemies, SLOW ENEMIES ATTACK SPEED (yeah poor tiny XD he cant even attack)
can reborn (not only him but an ally)
long range attacks

all his skills takes part of his actual life
low defense and basic attack
long cooldowns


won't enter to explain skills so deep but i'll try to be right

firs get icarus dive, not for the damage obvious, cause is your best scape skill and slow the enemies

then (it depends of you) but i recomend spirits over laser, reason:

    your health at this point is not so awesome
    your armor is not so good (if enemy can get close youre dead
    your move reduction
    negate creeps is easy with spirits
    at this point 3 or 2 spirits could deadlier than laser
    can sae your egg

upgrade one level of dive (damage will increase so much per second) just perfect for enemies that try to escape to their tower just dive and spirit (you're letal trust me)

upgrading laser at level eight will allow you to start mixing all your skills in team fights (dont use laser until it level 3)

laser almos can help you to escape (really can avoid anything, including disruptor and underlord blocks not sure about clockwerk trap)

laser is really usefull in team fights healling allies, damaging enemies, pure damage definitely bkb users will hate you and legion comander will love you in her duels

talking about bkb users, they will hate meteor too

yeah you can stun them

but this is not all mix spirits with icarus dive and meteor and your enemy is dead

hell yeah from level two if you did make scepter you're reborning so much and not only you one ally can be replenished

and thats it


at the start you shall take some armor and hp regen thats why I recomend ring of protection and ring of regen cause it actually allow to easily get tranquil boots, followed by the courier as your work as support. is a robust healling and armor for the start of the game.

then focus on a pair of gauntlets of strength to make your regen better and growth your health pool. (you can buld mekansmbut i dont recomend this one cause of its cooldown) then completeurn of shadows and basilus of course for allies and yourself damage mana regen and armor

from here you can shine killing enemies trying to scape by mixing icarus and spirits and then healing yourself using boots and urn

at this point you should be upgrading laser but wont use it until level 2 or 3 unless the enemy is actually almost dead and running away

after all of this the party should be fine for u but enemy carries are almost a problem so some defense is not bad platemail will cover you for a while (this is just for shiva's guard but not for now, you might be focus on scepter for a better and much more supporting super nova. so i recomend to get point booster for more health and mana and ogre club for even more hp regen.

now with scepter and shiva's guard your meteor is close to indestructible (add the spirits) and your reborn is almost sure

i must recomend octarin core for more casting of your skills and regen from the use of the laser that youll be spamming at this point on enemies and allies.

vladimirs offering is not as good as it seems but works well in team fights

some people will like radiance but phoenix is not a really clicking damage hero of course the evasion radio it gives to you is good
refresher will give you a second round of meteor
rod of atos work if you replace spirits with laser i early game (really slowing down enemies and then laser is just so OP)
grimmer cape is in case of invoker or some magic monsters like rubik or simply you want an easy scape (a funny thing to do is to turn invisible in icarus dive or while advancing in laser)

Chapter Title

thanks to all people is my first guide of my favorite character
(my english is so bad sorry)

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