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Phoenix 3k build

August 18, 2016 by Pl3b
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Build 1
Build 2

Support (Pos 4)

DotA2 Hero: Phoenix

Hero Skills

Blinding Sun (Innate)

Icarus Dive

1 4 8 9

Fire Spirits

10 12 13 14

Sun Ray

2 3 5 7


6 11 16


15 17 18

Item Justification support

Early game stats aren't as important on a support phoenix. Help the other support ward if you want to win. I cant stress enough the importance of always carrying a TP scroll. Again urn and tranquil boots are solid items. If you are up against a silencer, i strongly recommend buying guardian greaves. Smoke is so good on phoenix. Use it to gank, and ward. Buy the tomb of knowledge, you need it more then anyone else on your team trust me. Usually you will be choosing between Shiva's or Aghs for late game items. Usaully shiva's is better unless they already have a lot of spell immunity. If the other team have supports that are good enough to stun you out of your swoop (beware the hex), dont buy Aghs. Remember if you ulti in a bad spot with your carry inside, you can throw the entire game. Force staff can be a good save but is highly situational, consider it if you are up against some high damage ultis with lots of lockdown, eg Enigma/Kunka/ET ect. or an Ursa.

Skill Justification Support

Sun Ray IMBA at level 3 and then 4. level 1 fire spirits does 40 magical damage. Level 2 Icarus dive does 120 magical damage. Situationally you can level 1 fire spirits it for the attack speed slow, lets say if your up against a sniper or you want to Roshan early. But ideally don't touch it because it'll only cause you mana problems and with support Pheonix you will always need enough mana to egg so that you don't die all the time!

Playstyle Support

Ward, stack, (pull if safe lane). Buy smoke and ward mid or gank mid. At level 5 you can be really effective as a support phoenix. From smoke, Swoop for the slow, then sunray and you can almost garentee kills with the help of one other hero. Stack for yourself early game, then take them at level 7 with Dive and Beam. As a support phoenix you are at you most useful at level 7, but that doesn't mean you should be leeching XP from cores. Stay far back in team fights, if you need to buy aether lens so you can Sun Ray from further back.

Pro Tip: Learn how to stack with your spells eg. you can stack Dire ancients and a hard camp with only your dive.

Item Justification Core

Starting items: Phoenix needs more armour, especially as a core. Tangoes are good for sustain, Faerie fire is good for harass but will not be as useful against some lanes, and should be traded out for something else. Stats are so crucial for an offlane Phoenix. Spend all of your starting gold.

Early Game: Seeing as all spells require percentage based health costs regen items are needed. Urn and Tranquil Boots are so good on phoenix. The only time to consider differentiating on these items is if a purge is badly needed eg. silencer or skyrath. For this guardian greaves are very good, lotus orb is also a potential option.
Midas is a strong item on phoenix, if it can be picked up by 12 mins along with either tranquil/urn go for it!

Luxury: Usually as Phoenix you can skip mid game items, due to there minimal usefulness on your hero. Veil is really good with the core build, simply veil during swoop as a part of your combo. Aghs is good if you are playing with only one carry, eg. spectre, or another really tanky hero. Landing a good swoop to ulti with aghs can be hard, so i recommend a blink/aether lens in these situations. Shiva's is always good on Phoenix. Even better if your mostly against melee heroes.

Skill Justification Core

When you are not suffering from lack of levels, Phoenix does much more damage if you can effectively combo. The standard way to do this is to activate spirits, swoop, cast spirits while diving then egg. Also fire spirits combined with swoop allow you to stack and farm neutrals very efficiently. While Sunray is kind of IMBA your ability to use it in a teamfight is quite minimum in this role, and is best left to level last for late game team fights.

Playstyle Core

At the start of the game a good phoenix player will choose to either play as a core, roaming support, or stationary support. As a core your main goal is to gain an XP advantage so that your team may can win mid game team fights, and also attempt to reduce the amount of farm the enemy carry can get. With this build phoenix peaks with his ultimate. Remember to use dive to position the egg. Swooping through enemies will have a significant slow effect, and when used in conjunction with fire spirits the damage output is quite significant. If you plan on using your level 1 supernova in a fight with more then one enemy hero, ulti DEFENSIVELY! Not in the middle of there team!

Phoenix 101

Phoenix is a very versatile hero. A ranged hero with an amazing escape means that it excels at warding. The Phoenix ulti can be used to tank towers, or with an aghinhams sceptre, and save other cores. Phoenix can be played underleveled by maxing sun ray for a supporting play style, or do a massive amount of magical damage over time if you can get ahead.

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