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Phantom Who? Phantom What? (Items Only)

December 17, 2013 by Mochiii
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linkin | September 21, 2012 11:58pm
now i like it better, i would change 2 things tough
1) upgrade the stout to poor man to block hero damage
2) bkb before dominator

Also, you can't deny pa benefits from raw damage... theres a reason items like butterfly have damage and agility and not only agility that gives damage, agility damage doesnt add to crits while raw damage from phase boots, bkb, dominator does, thats why vlad (17% aura of damage but NO raw damage), power threads (agi but not damage) and butterfly (agi and non stacking evasion) are bad choices for a pa, though vlad can be good for teamfight overall.
SuperNova (16) | September 20, 2012 11:43am
Mochiii wrote:

The dagger as your wondering is like you pointed out already *last hits and chase / kill*...PA (phantom assassin) MAIN source of damage early and EARLY middle is from her Q *or the harassing of her Q* + the chances of proc on her ultimate to crit *too low during early levels due to lack of attack speed per hit to give it that extra OOMPH!*, that's why you max Q I are the reasons *again*
    - Last Hit to kill creeps during lane when opponent is harassing too much when you decide to go close
    - Kill / Chase
    - Main source of damage during early and early middle game

Q eventually just becomes a utility as you head towards middle - late game and having your damage items ( battle fury....onwards...seen in the order of the build above)

Hope that helps you out!

did you just say that her dagger is her main source of damage? i dont understand that statement at all. apart from that this build is decent and i will look forward to more from you in the future! +1
Mochiii | September 19, 2012 1:24pm
The dagger as your wondering is like you pointed out already *last hits and chase / kill*...PA (phantom assassin) MAIN source of damage early and EARLY middle is from her Q *or the harassing of her Q* + the chances of proc on her ultimate to crit *too low during early levels due to lack of attack speed per hit to give it that extra OOMPH!*, that's why you max Q I are the reasons *again*
    - Last Hit to kill creeps during lane when opponent is harassing too much when you decide to go close
    - Kill / Chase
    - Main source of damage during early and early middle game

Q eventually just becomes a utility as you head towards middle - late game and having your damage items ( battle fury....onwards...seen in the order of the build above)

Hope that helps you out!
SuperNova (16) | September 19, 2012 8:53am
dont quite understand all the points into dagger as it only does half damage to heroes but i suppose its there for emergency last hits and chasing early game for that crucial first blood.
Mochiii | September 19, 2012 6:20am
I sure AM! haha
OmniBoy | September 19, 2012 1:48am
Still adding random color to your replies I see..

Anyway I agree that ring of basilius isn't necessary
Mochiii | September 18, 2012 5:32am

JUST " REMADE " the build....should be more better!

@linkin - doesn't benefit from RAW damage....she benefits from attack speed WITH damage * which is also included in this build * which has more chance to proc her ultimate per hit. You forgot also that agility gives damage on top with attack speed and armour


I remade this build so it should be better now.
Starbucks 64 (3) | September 18, 2012 5:05am
@linkin PA does benefit from agility since it does give her attack speed, damage, and armor. Also treads are a decent choice because it gives ger attack speed and more survivability. Of course phase boots is still a more common option.
linkin | September 17, 2012 8:59pm
this build is not so good imo, heres why.
PA benefits from RAW damage, since her criticals uses raw damage not agility, hence power threads are a bad choice for her. The basilus isnt bad really but a wand is way better for various reasons, you can start out with branches, its better stat-wise, and you dont need mana regen at all with pa once you've gotten perseverance (even with out it) also wand's active is great. Also, quelling blade isnt necessary but its not bad either, the problem is 3 tangoes arent enough for lane survivavility if your playing decent ppl, you should at least 1 set of tangos and a healing salve , or 2 sets of tang , otherwise your early will be terrible and that's the base of pa.

For BH, bkb and mkb i agree and the overall order is good!
hubey | September 17, 2012 8:02pm
I'd pick up the Morbid Mask later, even after Helm of Iron Will probably. Your benefit from liftsteal is just too low at the beginning.

Also for Starting Items some stats would be better then Quelling Blade imo. A Salve is missing. If the enemies see that you only have one set of Tangos, they'll probably try to harass the **** out of you.
Mochiii | September 17, 2012 5:33am
^ that item is optional / personal but the reason why I choose to get it is because its only 500 gold you gives you mana regen on top with an aura for your laning partner giving LITTLE damage and a bit of armour. You can freely spam Q every 8 second *160 damage* without physically actually losing mana cause by the time it goes off cool down , all your mana would of replenished already back to full...this item is GREAT if you choose to harass and enemy down and force to them use their tango or pots or simply needing them to waste more gold on purchasing healing items or just forcing them to run back to base. The range that you can cast it is significantly BIG and your always in a safe distance but yet dealing good damage and harass to them. Oh I also forgot to mention.....creep killing from safe distance without the worry of losing mana over time and usage.
Fishy (2) | September 17, 2012 4:57am
Skip Ring of Basilius, you don't really need the mana regen and if you're building it for the stats you'd make an aquila anyway. IMO just rush perseverance and you'll be fine.
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