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7 Votes

Phantom Lancers

August 11, 2012 by NinjaFatcats
Comments: 4    |    Views: 14030    |   

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NinjaFatcats (1) | August 11, 2012 1:28am
Thank you for your advice :)
Admiral Chocobos (1) | August 10, 2012 9:18am
Not a bad guide. I think the items such as orb of venom and Skull Basher is a great idea for slowing enemies. Though you did say that the Vanguard doesn't have a effect on the illusions
(I quote what you said on the guide)

Passive abilities Illusions cannot use
"Damage Block ( Vanguard, Poor Man's Shield, etc)"

I see what you mean about the usefulness of the Vanguard but it doesn't really benefit your illusions at all. Also I'd advise that you use Boots of Travel instead of Power Treads. The main reason why I say that is because Illusions can use the increased movement from Travel.

Phantom Lancer is very dependent on his illusions, try to think of items that can benefit you and your illusions.

But other than that I think you did a pretty good job on your research and experience with Phantom Lancer. I'll give you a thumbs up :)
NinjaFatcats (1) | July 24, 2012 9:56pm
Thank you for your comment
AngryTurtle (7) | July 24, 2012 7:06am
Level 2 juxtapose isn't necessary. Doppelwalk will keep you from dying early juxtapose will do nothing but randomly make you pull back an illusion to keep it from pushing the lane. Also every item build other than the first one is terrible.
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