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5 Votes

Phantom Fighter - A Guide To Mortred

March 24, 2015 by Fumbles16x
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The Jack of Blades (1) | March 26, 2015 5:30pm

I like this guide it is not to long but explains and covers alot.

I also like every guide which explains why Battlefury is a situational pick not a goddam Core item on a PA which excels in mid game far better then in late game in comparison to other carries.

I cant bare it anymore to lose matches just because the PA of my team has still brownboots and Presevarance at Min 18:00-20:00
apaz (17) | March 24, 2015 9:56pm
Also, Refresher too OP.
apaz (17) | March 24, 2015 9:25pm
In general, great guide. I play PA a bit, and she was one of my first heroes in dota 1, back when Blur was overpowered and gave away ganks on you.

She also basically taught me how to play the game and how not to feed.

Generally speaking, PA is a really, really hard carry, only outclassed by the UBER hard carries like the Faceless Void and Medusa that you mentioned. The thing is that the actual problem is that she is countered by several other hard carries, like Faceless Void, Troll Warlord and Chaos Knight. This is for a lot of different reasons. Faceless Void has Chronosphere and Time Lock, Troll Warlord doesn't mind buying a Monkey King Bar because he attacks so fast that it is an efficient item, and Chaos Knight is a really hard carry in general, with the gigantic illusion army, and you don't know which to target.

Also, I like the section on not running, and praying to RNGsus that you get 1000000 crits.

And, as for Phase Boots vs. Power Treads, Phase is better in the mid game, whereas Treads is better in the late game.
Fumbles16x (4) | March 24, 2015 8:22pm
Thanks, I skipped over that before publishing. I had this mostly written a long time ago and never got around to correcting it. Will fix it shortly.

There's a section about Battlefury, and I list it in situatonal. Also I gave some times when it's better to farm...
michimatsch (26) | March 24, 2015 8:16pm
Well and you can still get a Battlefury it's just controversial as you will hurt her early game and well ye you already said that I just wanted to point out out that there are times when farming is better.
But in that case a Maelstrom should also do it.
michimatsch (26) | March 24, 2015 8:14pm
Skadi it stacks with lifesteal
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