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23 Votes

Phantasmal (ANTI alt-tab)

January 28, 2014 by Sp12
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Pinguin32 | June 17, 2014 3:51pm
First of all like your builds. Not one of those instant BF builds. but the Crit calculation is not complete and a little wrong because u forget the other 85% of the hits where she doesnt crit!

PA crit lvl 3 (15% chanche, 450% crit):
(0.15*450)+(0.85*100)=152.5 52.5% damage increase

Deadalus (25% chanche, 240% crit):
(0.25*240)+(0.75*100)=135 35% damage increase

Jugg lvl 4 crit (35% chanche, 200% crit):
(0.35*200)+(0.65*100)=135 35% damage increase

WK lvl 4 crit (15% chanche, 300% crit):
(0.15*300)+(0.85*100)=130 30% damage increase

see also:

Her crit is definitely a lot better than any other crit in the game! But as you said she still is not the hardest carry in the game. The crit also stacks really nice with the minus armor damage increase from a desolator (only combined with vlads ofcourse).
SeverusBolton | May 16, 2014 12:20am
Brilliant guide. If opponents are armed with lots of magic (that are not disable)
Go for stats ^_^. Therefore, get threads ^_^

I like how you describe the difference in the small things.
SerendipityPR | February 16, 2014 5:28pm
Greetings! I like your guide man. I always liked PA but would not do well with her in the past since usually I'd go the BF route. Recently I started going Phase > Drums > Vlads where I start looking for fights around the map right when I get my Drums and I started having MUCH more success with PA. I was really pleased to look up a good PA guide and see the Vlads build that I started doing.

One question though since you don't specifically mention it: What do you think about going Drums before Vlads? It just feels like my HP is uncomfortably low without a strength item and I think the Vlads armor is made much more powerful with the extra HP from the Drums. But, is the Drums delaying the Vlads too much? Would like to know what are your thoughts on the matter.

Anyway, I'm a fan of your guides!
Take care (:
yiGbof | January 28, 2014 11:32am
Hey Sp12, I like all your guides, and I have one question though. Where on earth is the Chaos Knight onspired build ? Personally, I really like it on PA, Armlet,treads, HoTD-> satanic then ofc manta
bastardodentro (2) | January 27, 2014 5:15pm
Finally someone that does not insta build BF on PA. I freakin love the treads drums manta into skadi build, really my favourite one for this hero. Being less reliant on the crits is just great and all the attack speed you get with the agi helps a lot with the dps.
Definitely a +1 guide.
I'll try the other options though i like the moar stats build a lot.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | January 27, 2014 4:39am
I think the Vlad's + Drums build is the best one in the current meta: being able to get quick auras and be useful in early fights is all you need as a PA. I usually rush BKB straight after them (or even skip Vlad's, though I usually need it for sustainability) since you don't really need extra early damage; from ~25 minutes into the game you can focus on Abyssal Blade or Monkey King Bar depending on your needs.

I don't like the Medallion build either but I guess it has some utility, especially in this meta full of Bristleback and Alchemist picks. But to be honest, I'd rather get a Vlad's instead of a Medallion for fighting Roshan.

The "Treads Drums Manta" build is again very useful on the majority of Heroes and it's good on Phantom Assassin indeed, but I've never seen Skadi as an extension. Still, now that I look at it, that build gives a lot of sustainability and every item you get basically makes you stronger and stronger without waiting for huge components; it's also very balanced since you don't get too much damage but don't go full tank either. I usually prefer rushing a BKB instead of the Manta, but that's what the other builds are for, right?

Good job! +1

EDIT: for the starting items, I think you have to remove an Iron Branch as you can no longer buy three of them since 6.79.
Xyrus (104) | January 27, 2014 2:36am
Nice guide, it's nice to see one that doesn't have Battle Fury listed as a Core in it <}3

Some of the Items seem a bit weird to me though, Shadow Blade as a Core Option? With a rather Situational Escape Mechanism, no Disable and no Burst Damage (aside from using non-Crits on Creeps to get a more likely First Hit Crit), I don't see how Phantom Assassin really benefits from this Item.

Also, I wouldn't get an Urn of Shadows or Medallion of Courage on a Carry, they're more Support/Ganker Items and delay more essential Items like your Drum of Endurance.

Finally, I would add a Hand of Midas to "Lane OOV Optional", since the Exp Bonus means a faster lvl16, plus it Speeds up your Farm by the Mid-Game when it's been paid off, not to mention the early Attack Speed boost. It doesn't slow you Farm down too much if you can get it early (by 8:00 at the latest)
ihaveaname | January 26, 2014 5:02pm
Thank you so much for pointing out the obvious - that PA needs to join fights early, not afk farm!

Also - what about Desolator? I tend to get that on her fairly regularly.
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